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Charles was pacing back and forth in the waiting area in the VIP ward.He was restless and the doctors hadn't come yet. seeing his only daughter unconscious on Williams arms was the most dreadful moment of his entire life. "Faith will be alright.my little angel will be fine."he was silently praying for Faith's health this entire time . William and harry was sitting with Charle's secretory and two other ppos. Diana was on her way to hospital.she couldn't believe it when Charles told her what happened over the phone.

"papa why aren't they telling us anything .I want to see my little sister" Harry was so scared of Faith.also he was so guilty that he shouted at her yesterday when she loved him so much.

"they will tell us what's wrong asa they finished harry. we can see her then." Charles didn't know how to answer Harrys question.he wasn't sure how to deal with anything at the moment.

Charles.. Diana came running to where they were waiting ."mummy...." both Will and harry ran to their mother and hugged her crying."Charles what happened? did they tell what's wrong.i want to see my daughter" tears were streaming down her face .she hugged the boys like her life depends on them.

"they don't let us in Diana. I don't know what to do " Charles replied.  it was the first time he was this much helpless over something. 

"how all of this happened ?" Charles was too vague on phone call that she didn't know what happened with Faith."

"It was Williams fault." Harry glared at Will with an accusing look."he was the one who took faith to play tennis when she didn't want to play . she collapsed while playing with him." he continued on making Diana look at William who was still silently crying. he was startled as he was the one who witnessed everything happened with faith."I'm sorry mummy . I was careless. I didn't ask why faith didn't want to play. " William answered without looking at Diana .he thought Faith didn't keen on playing because of harry. he felt like he was the one responsible for his little sister's condition.

'Harry its not William's fault. he didn't know.you cannot blame him for something he didn't know" Charles explained to him.Diana was now hugging William. "shh ...Will I know it's not your fault.dont blame yourself okay?now wipe your tears .you can't let Faith see you like this can you? you have to be a strong big brother right?" William nodded and wiped his tears.

"Charles why aren't they telling us anything yet. im so scared . what if .. what if something's wrong" Diana was now getting worried and worried "" shh don't even think like that Di" Charles hugged Diana sensing she wasn't herself now." "our baby girl is a fighter." he said remembering how fragile Faith was when she was born premature.but she grew up to be happy ,healthy kid apart from occasional colds.atleast so far.

Finally doctors came out of the door they were staring at for the past few hours.Even they looked exhausted and nervous.

"your royal high..." chief doctor started speaking but Charles cut him off. "how is my daughter ?        can we see her now?"

"yes for now we have to keep under observation and doctor Raymond is still checking so its better if we wait for a little bit more. your royal highnesses  would you like to talk about princess's condition in my office?" he asked looking at the ppos and secretory as the members of royal family's health conditions are highly confidential.

"Will ,Harry you stay with Evan and Michael " Charles said to the boys and followed the doctor with Diana .

"please take a seat" after settling the doctor began to explain the diagnosis

"sir ,Ma'am im  Daniel Hughs, the chief cardio thoracic surgeon of children's unit ." " Diana was stunned. why a cardio thoracic surgeon is talking to them." what's wrong with my daughter."her voice broke as she was terrified now.charles placed his hand on her to to clam her down. but she couldn't.

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