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"WE decided to go to balmoral on Sunday."Charles announced at the breakfast table looking at his daughter who was quiet the entire time.it has become the new trait of her.She didn't even acknowledge Charle's idea."that's good idea papa ,I missed teasing Sara and bea." finally Harry replied with his signature goofy smile.

"Harry what did I tell about teasing Bea. She is younger than you and she doesn't think it as teasing only.she already has so deal much at school too"Charles wasn't much happy with harry constantly teasing Beatrice.Beatrice was made fun because of her dyslexia by her classmates.Harry loves her .but sometimes he doesn't know what the limit is.

"how long we are staying there?" William knew it won't be for much long as harry had to go back to eaton after summer break  ." we haven't decided it yet. we'll see." Diana answered. They wanted to see if it will do any good for Faith being surrounded with her loved ones . If she didn't show any positive reaction they have to come back.

"and William , we need to talk with you regarding your choice of subjects for A levels.come to my study after breakfast" and William nodded not paying much attention.It was the least of his concerns now.

"have you decided the subjects yet?"Charles asked sitting on his chair."I want to do geography and biology .haven't decided the third yet.". "fine.you still have time .think about it carefully"

Diana entered the study then. closing the door she said " actually William we wanted to talk about another" . "I know" William muttered quietly.a levels was to distract his siblings.It was a method often used by Charles to bring up school when he didn't want Harry & Faith to hear their conversations.

"how are you doing Will?" she asked carefully."Fine mummy. what do you mean?" he was annoyed by the question "you haven't been home most of the time lately.hanging out with Edward almost everyday" Charles forced." "yes papa it's summer. not the school term.can't I hangout with my uncle?" "Of course you can William. it's just.." then what's with this questioning? " he raised his voice without knowing." watch your tone young man.you are talking with your mother" Charles was getting angry now. "I'm sorry but this is unreasonable.Can I leave?" he knew angering Charles isn't the best idea. but they were getting on his nerves.

"Will we wanted to check on you. it seems like you are distancing yourself.you are always distracted when you are with us.you dont even talk to your siblings.You were not like this before.is something bothering you?" Diana knew she was stepping on to a dangerous zone."people change mummy.That's what happened with you and papa too right? what do you want me to do?" 

"we want you to check on your siblings a little more.specially Faith.she needs you now more than anything.you have been ignoring her for weeks now.of course you can go outside and enjoy, but try to stay at home more."

"and watch my ONLY SISTER SLOWLY DIE? " Will burst out.

"WILLIAM!" Diana literally screamed." what are you saying? who said such thing?"she couldn't believe what he just said.

"I know what doctors said mummy.she is not the same Faith anymore. no one can say what will happen next day or even next minute. It pains me to see her face every time . I cant face her without remembering that moment.her heart stopped mummy.it was me who saw her gasping for air. I was the one who saw my little sister almost DIE." he practically yelled.tears were straming down his face.

"stop yelling like an idiot William" even Charles's composed nature was at verge of losing." so do you want to abandon your sister and let her go through all that pain alone? is that it?do you think I will ever let Faith die like that? are you insane?"

"there's only so much you can do with your power papa.even the surgeries she has to go through in next three months are risky.you know that too." 

"That's why we hire the best honey.Faith will get better.we met with lot of families who went through similar situations.most of them are living a normal life." Diana understood where he was coming from.he was so scared for his sister.but his coping method was not right.

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