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Next day morning, Charles was having tea at the table when Diana sat for breakfast.The couple had their breakfast quietly not paying any attention to one another.

"I thought about it a lot. you are right. Faith is still a baby and I do not want her to grow up with nannies as i did. she should have both of her parents by her side.  I am taking this decision for the sake of our baby. We will stay together ,but live separate lives.you can meet anyone you like but in discreet.I will live as i want .But we will live here and raise our kids together.What do you say?"

Diana thought about it too. She also didn't want to stay with Charles anymore. It was all over.There was no hope at all. She wanted to stay with her kids. It was clear If they get a divorce the children's custody will go to Charles. Mostly William's and harry's.She didn't want them to grow apart from each other.

"Fine by me.I just want to live with my kids together. That's all".Diana finished her breakfast and left the table without another word.What happened to them? They have become complete strangers living under one roof. Diana thought.Even though Charles didn't love Diana,she loved him before. She tried her best to make it work for eleven years. but now it's all gone. not that now she wants him to love her like before too.

what amazed Diana was how Charles has become such a devoted father to their daughter.He wanted a divorce since harry was born.but now he wants to hold it. It was not a secret that in a way , Charles was a great father to the boys but now he went beyond that for their daughter

Diana went to check on her daughter. The little princess was sound asleep. Still, Diana went in, adjusted her blankets, kissed her cheeks, and went to see the boys. Yesterday Diana had a hard time consoling them too.The boys were distressed seeing the constant fight between their parents and it pained Diana to see them suffering for their mistakes.

"Good morning mummy" William and harry said in unison. good morning my darling sons! "mummy did you sleep well?"  William asked with concern in his eyes. Even though William was 10 he was so caring and very matured for his age. He was so protective of his mum and sister.

Yes, my dear! mummy slept well too" Diana lied. She didn't have an ounce of sleep yesterday. stayed awake the whole night thinking about what will happen after their divorce, will Charles allow her to raise her children, will he not permit her to see them as her father did with her mother. worlds of thoughts and what-ifs swirled around her head throughout the night.

mummyyy......I love you! Harry hugged Diana putting his arms around her neck. I love you very much, my baby boy. You three are my world .no one can change it. she stayed hugging them for a few minutes. Even Diana needed their hug so badly. At least she has them to love her she thought

and nowww......whoever will finish getting ready first will get to choose the place we go today!! both of them rushed to the bathroom to wash 

"Goood Moooorning my angel baby". Diana went to her daughter with a delighted who is now wide awake and showered her with kisses. the princess let out a chuckle and made some baby sounds.are you hungry my lovee, yes you are.  let mummy feed you my little birdie " after feeding the little princess, her nanny came to bathe the princess.Oh, Faith look! nanny tiggy has come to wash you. you love bathing right my love! the infant tilt her head and move her hands continuously as if she understood everything her mummy said making Diana laugh. she gave the baby to the nanny. 'Be a good baby till mummy comes and then we will have a mummy-daughter time." Diana kissed her forehead and left the room.

" Diana kissed her forehead and left the room

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Pa we are going outside to play. William said hugging Charles. okay, son have fun! be safe the boys said goodbyes and raced to the car, like always William let harry win. "now where do you want to go today"? Diana asked making an excited face. "theme park" they literally yelled. It was so easy with their mother. no rules or protocols to follow , only fun when they are having a holiday

Princess and the 2 princes spent the whole day at the theme park, going on each and every ride, and playing games. Papz were surrounding them taking photos of them enjoying the day and ppos tried their best to keep their distance from the royals.

Diana watched them playing so happily, They are growing up so fast and she wanted to cherish every moment with them. How long will this happiness last? she wondered herself. 

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A Princess of Wales' storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora