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3 months later....

Diana was walking toward Faith's room when she heard a giggle. she peered through the slightly open door to see what was going on. William was cuddling his baby sis and the room was filled with her giggles. Diana's heart was filled with love seeing her 2 kids. 

"Mummy...Good morning" sleepy harry came and hugged Diana from behind. Good morning baby...Did you sleep well? Diana asked picking up harry and placing a kiss on his forehead. Harry heard the giggles too and turned his head to see what was going on. The brother and sister were lost in their own world. Mummy sissy is always giggling. let's call her "giggles". It was always Harry who came up with various kinds of name for his siblings. he calls William 'Willy' and William does not like it but harry doesn't care and keep saying it anyways. That's harry being 'Harry"

(these are prince William's photos and I don't own any of them

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(these are prince William's photos and I don't own any of them. just imagine this as the princess :) )

And it was true. Faith was a happy baby and always had this cheerful aura around her. she was a calm baby compared to both William and harry as babies. cries only when she is hungry, and smiles with everyone. when the princess is awake, the room is always filled with her baby sounds and chuckles.

"peek a boo!" it was harry's turn to make her laugh and he was very talented at that. Baby's face lit up when she saw her cheeky brother. Diana left the kids to play with a smile on her face. she didn't know that smile will soon fade away.

It was then Charles came home. He came across Diana but chose to ignore her. Diana closed her eyes thinking there will be no other way to keep their marriage intact.

 Diana closed her eyes thinking there will be no other way to keep their marriage intact

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They tried to be together again nearly for  3 months

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They tried to be together again nearly for  3 months. This time both of them wanted it to work and be a family again for their newborn daughter. Charles and Diana took care of their daughter most of the time with the least help from the nannies and they loved it to be honest. But this little bundle of joy was the only thing that made them happy together. The flame between them was long gone and they were very far from hearts yet they were so close. Again Charles started the secret meetings with his mistress and Diana lost it. Even she was fed up with this marriage and she felt trapped inside four walls. Her only happiness was her children but she couldn't stay with Charles under one roof anymore

'We need to talk Diana'. It was then Diana knew this is the talk they were dragging on for so long.Diana sat on the sofa and Charles looked at her. but there was no love in his eyes. In fact they were blank. 'Let's get divorced.I cannot do this any more. he said.

'like I want this marriage.' Diana said under her breath.

What did you say?

Nothing important. please continue.

like i said let's get divorced. I informed my mother and this time she did not oppose it too.you,me both of us know we do not want to live this miserable life.

yes , i agree too ,but what about the children?

we can co-parent them. both of us will participate fully in upbringing of them.

yes I know that but what about the custody of them

I thought about that too. I will get their custody as it will be the best if they live with me.you can visit them whenever you want too'

Diana lost her temper hearing this."Charles! just like that huh? you decide every thing? you want to get divorced and I agree.But you cannot decide about the kids alonee. They are so young. think of your daughter .she's barely 4 months old. Did you even think of her or you only thought about your mistress Camilla just as usual ?

DIANAA! watch out your words! Charles shouted. You can accuse me of anything. Yes I know I was not a good husband to you but you cannot say anything that I do not care about my daughter and the boys. I think of them day and night. I want them to be happy too .that's why I want all of them to live with me. They are the princes and princess of England! 

But they need me too.Not only youuu,and I cannot witness the sight of that Camilla in your arms every time mocking me whenever I come to see my kids. Tears streamed from Diana's eyes and when she turned to leave the room,the sight of her 2 boys watching sadly by the door broke her.

Mummy... are you crying ? asked William and tears were visible in his eye too. Charles saw the boys too and immediately was guilty of forgetting they were here.

No sweetheart.let's go outside and play okay ? come with me, my babies. Diana took William and harry and went outside leaving charles in the room.

Charles wanted to see his darling daughter so badly. so he got changed and went to see his baby. The nanny was cradling the baby to sleep,but  the baby was wide awake. The little princess made a happy baby sound as soon as she saw her dad.

'How are you doing my sunshine? The prince asked in a funny way that made the baby giggle."The princess refuses to sleep sir" said the nanny to Charles. He took the baby from the nanny and the smile grew wider. "Not sleepy. aren't we ?" You can go now Estelle I will put her to sleep. The nanny nodded and left the room.

Faith lift her hand and touched charle's face making some baby noises. Charles forgot every argument he had with Diana when looking at this innocent face. Faith was a very interactive baby for her age. She continued babbling to Charles and Charles spent hours looking at her actions and interacting with her.

Finally, it was time for the nap and Faith was sleepy. Charles swayed back and forth while gently humming a lullaby and the princess went to sleep in her father's arms.

"You are my everything mi amor,I will do anything for you, daddy's angel"

"You are my everything mi amor,I will do anything for you, daddy's angel"

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A Princess of Wales' storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora