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To honor the royal family's visit, the Prime Minister of Australia orchestrates a grand gala, showcasing the nation's hospitality and cultural richness. The opulent venue is adorned with Australian flora and fauna, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

As the royal family arrives, they are greeted by an ensemble of traditional Aboriginal dancers, their rhythmic movements echoing the heartbeat of the land. The Prime Minister extends a warm welcome, expressing the nation's joy at hosting such distinguished guests.

While her parents were engaged in talks Faith was watching her surrounding.Unbeknownst to her, a boy around her age emerges from a corner. His eyes, the color of eucalyptus leaves, light up with curiosity when he spots Faith. Dressed in attire mirroring the elegance of the occasion, he exudes a genuine warmth that catches Faith's attention.

Their eyes meet, and an unspoken connection forms, as if the universe had orchestrated this serendipitous encounter. The boy, whose identity she doesn't yet know, approaches with a shy yet friendly smile.

"Hello," he greets, the lilt of his Australian accent adding a delightful charm to his words.

"Hi," Faith responds, returning the smile. "I'm Faith."

He introduces himself as Oliver, the Prime Minister's son. As they exchange pleasantries, a shared sense of curiosity takes root. They discuss their favorite subjects in school, the places they've traveled, and the uniqueness of being children in the spotlight.

"so even if you are twelve you study with highschoolers ? Oliver asked impressed and faith nod "yeah that's how it is " 

"hmm I heard you are a maths prodigy. must be nice . i'm thirteen but struggling to pass year seven still " they both laugh.

Amidst the hushed conversations and soft glow of the banquet hall, Faith and Oliver forge an unexpected bond.

"So, what's it like being a royal?" Oliver asks, genuinely curious.

Faith chuckles, "It's a bit like having a front-row seat to a never-ending show. Fancy dinners, engagements, and, of course, lots of security guards."

Oilver laughs, "Tell me about it! I feel like I'm living in a fishbowl sometimes. Always cameras and people watching."

Faith nods, "Exactly! But hey, at least we get to meet interesting people, like each other."

Oliver smiles, feeling a connection beyond the grandeur of their titles. "Yeah, it's not every day you meet someone who understands what it's like to be in our shoes."

As the gala's festivities continue in the background, Faith and Oliver find solace in their impromptu friendship—a connection that transcends titles and expectations, rooted in the simple joy of being kids, sharing stories under the Australian stars.

"So, do you like  Australia?" Oliver asks, steering the conversation toward lighter topics.

Faith grins, "Definitely! I heard, the wildlife is amazing. Have you ever held a koala?"

Oliver's eyes light up, "Not yet! But I've seen them. Maybe we can go to a sanctuary together tomorrow."

Faith widening her eyes "are you coming to the wild life conservation event tomorrow " she exclaimed and Oliver chuckled "I can if you'd like me to join you. I can sneak out " 

" must be a troublemaker " Faith said with a mischievous glint in her eyes and Oliver smirked.

 with a thoughtful expression, Oliver  shares a candid revelation, "You know, when I first saw you on TV, they always painted you as this kind and good princess. I thought it was all for publicity, you know? Like a royal image they wanted to create."

A Princess of Wales' storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin