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As the school break dawned, signaling the beginning of a six-week tour for Diana and Charles, the royal household buzzed with anticipation. This time, to the surprise of many, Faith was to accompany her parents on the tour. The air was filled with a mix of excitement and the meticulous preparations that precede a royal journey.

n the heart of the grand residence, Diana stood in Faith's room, helping her pack for the trip. Clothes, accessories, and a sprinkle of royal charm were carefully selected. Faith, despite the prospect of a journey filled with engagements, couldn't contain her enthusiasm.

"mummy, do you think the tour will have fun stops?" Faith asked, her eyes bright with hope.Diana, with a playful smile, replied, "Oh, darling, we'll make sure to find the fun wherever we go. Royal tours need a touch of fun. "Meanwhile, Charles was in the study, reviewing the itinerary and discussing logistics with his aides. William , aware of Faith's excitement, entered the room with mischievous smiles.

"pa, I was thinking we might need a 'fun stops' section in the itinerary," William suggested.

Charles, catching on to the playful tone, replied, "Fun stops, you say? Well, let's see what we can arrange. But remember, it's a royal tour, not a holiday!"

"yeah but I dont think Faith considers it much " William replied with a grin

As news of the upcoming tour spread through the media, anticipation and excitement reached a fever pitch. Faith's first long official tour to Australia, New Zealand, and Canada was the talk of the countries. The public eagerly awaited the arrival of the Prince of Wales's family, especially after the wedding, which had captured the hearts of people around the world.

Media outlets buzzed with speculation about the engagements, the places the royal family would visit, and, of course, the charming presence of Princess Faith. The prospect of seeing the youngest member of the family on her inaugural tour added a special charm to the excitement.

Headlines read, "Princess Faith Set to Steal Hearts on First Royal Tour," and "Prince of Wales Family to Bring Royal Radiance Down Under." Photos of the family's departure preparations circulated, capturing the candid moments of Diana, Charles, and Faith getting ready for their journey.

faith's pov

The morning of our departure was a flurry of excitement and anticipation. The royal palace was abuzz with activity as we prepared for the six-week tour across Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. My heart raced with a mix of nerves and exhilaration, knowing that this journey would be filled with new adventures and responsibilities.

As I entered the grand foyer, the opulent surroundings felt both familiar and surreal. Mummy, adorned in an elegant ensemble, greeted me with a warm smile. "Are you ready, my darling?" she asked, her eyes reflecting a blend of maternal concern and regal poise.

"I think so, Mummy," I replied, attempting to match her composure. Papa, dressed in his impeccable uniform, joined us, his presence radiating a sense of assurance. "my love, you look absolutely splendid," he remarked, offering a gentle hug.

We made our way to the awaiting royal car, where the chauffeur, Mr. Evans, greeted us with a respectful nod. The drive to the airport was accompanied by a mixture of small talk and thoughtful silence. Mummy, always attuned to my well-being, asked about my feelings regarding the tour.

"I'm excited, Mummy, but a bit nervous too," I admitted, fidgeting with the edge of my dress. She squeezed my hand reassuringly. "It's natural to feel that way, my love. We're in this together."

Upon reaching the airport, the atmosphere shifted. The bustling terminal was adorned with well-wishers, dignitaries, and the ever-present flashes of cameras. As we disembarked from the car, the crowd erupted into cheers, and I could feel the weight of royal expectations settling on my shoulders.

Mummy and Papa flanked me, creating a protective cocoon. The media, hungry for glimpses of our close moments, bombarded us with questions. Mummy gracefully addressed them, her responses a delicate dance between diplomacy and charm. Papa, always composed, took the lead during a brief press conference.

"Princess Faith, what are you looking forward to the most on this tour?" a journalist inquired. I took a deep breath, my eyes meeting the expectant gazes of those gathered.

"I'm excited to explore the cultures of Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, and to meet the wonderful people who call these countries home," I replied, echoing the rehearsed response I had practiced with my secretaries.

The next question shifted the focus to the absence of my older brothers. "Princess Faith, we understand Prince William and Prince Harry will join you later in the tour. How do you feel about starting without them?"

I nodded, acknowledging the inquiry. "Yes, they have prior engagements to attend, but we'll be reunited soon. I'll miss them, but I'm looking forward to the time we'll spend together.

As Papa fielded more questions, I stole a glance at Mummy. Her eyes held a mixture of pride and affection, grounding me amidst the whirlwind of attention. The royal send-off marked the beginning of an extraordinary journey, and as we boarded the plane, I couldn't help but feel a sense of privilege and responsibility settling upon me.

On our fancy jet, Mummy and Papa made the flight feel like a warm hug with some sweet moves. It was a string of little moments that turned the journey into something really comfy.

As we floated up into the sky, Mummy whipped out a small bag. "A tiny surprise for you, love," she said with a playful smile. When I opened it, there was a bunch of my favourite snacks inside. Mummy knows my favourites, and it made me genuinely happy. It was like she wanted to add a bit of joy to our trip.As we glided above the clouds, Mummy and Papa took turns sharing stories. They were about far-off places, the places they went, their experiences.

Up there in the quiet sky, all the royal stuff didn't matter as much. It was just a special journey with the people I love most.

Sitting together in the living room of our Australian residence, Papa's eyes took on a distant yet fond look as he reflected on the grand welcome we'd received. "You know," he began, "this level of excitement, it takes me back."

Mummy, always attuned to Papa's musings, smiled knowingly. "You're thinking about our 1983 tour, aren't you?"

Papa nodded, "Exactly. Back then, we felt the warmth of the people, the cheers, and the shared joy. But this time, it's like déjà vu, only doubled."

Mummy added, "And just like now, the welcome we received was overwhelming. But there's something special about this time."

Papa continued, "Yes, because this time, there's an extra layer of excitement. They're not just cheering for us; they're eager to see you, Faith. The anticipation is doubled, and it warms my heart."

After the lively reminiscences, Papa, with his ever-watchful eyes, noticed a hint of fatigue in my expression. Concern etched across his face, he reached for a small, familiar bottle from his pocket in jacket

"Faith," he said gently, holding a couple of pills, "it's time for your medication. We want you to feel your best during this adventure."

I nodded appreciatively, accepting the medication. Mummy, with her soothing presence, offered a glass of water. "Take it easy, sweetheart. It's important to keep your strength up."

Once the pills were taken and the glass set aside, Papa leaned in with a warm smile. "Now, my dear, would you fancy a little stroll? The evening in Australia is calling, and I thought we could enjoy it together, just like old times."

The offer lifted my spirits, and I replied with a grateful smile, "I'd love that, Papa. A stroll sounds perfect."

Papa rose from his seat, extending a hand to help me up. Mummy joined in, linking arms with us as we made our way towards the door. The sun was beginning its descent, casting a warm glow over the Australian landscape.

As we stepped outside, the fresh air and the promise of a leisurely walk rejuvenated my senses. Papa, ever the attentive father, kept pace with me, making sure I was comfortable every step of the way.

The three of us strolled through the surroundings, the rhythmic sound of our footsteps accompanied by the gentle hum of evening life.

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