(OsiriumWrites) Breachers -I- Path of Steel - Chapter 10 (Inequivalent Exchange)

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Breachers – Path of Steel



Inequivalent Exchange

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Marcus's awareness fluttered in the depths of unconsciousness, blending with memories that he didn't recognize. Amidst the hazy state, he became aware of a subtle weight pressing against his chest, accompanied by a gentle warmth that seeped through his body. Strange sounds, like the soft whir of a machine, echoed in the air, blending with the rhythm of his breath. He basked in the calmness of that moment. There was an ache within him, a longing for that calmness, to abandon the constant struggle for survival and simply let go. Still, something was gnawing at him, telling him to wake up.

"We need you, Marcus."

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[System activation: 100%]

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With a sudden explosive jolt, Marcus snapped awake, the back of his head colliding with the underbelly of the old vehicle with a loud thud. Confusion swirled inside his mind as his camera lens caught the sight of moss and vines clinging to his frame as if nature itself was embracing him. 'How long was I out this time? Months? Years?' he questioned silently. He picked up on the shouting all around him, accompanied by the sound of rushing footsteps. Pushing his hood back, he scanned the gate in front of him, spotting fleeing people dressed in overalls.

'Don't overthink it,' Marcus told himself, crawling forward and tearing through the dense overgrowth. Breaking free from beneath the car, he stood upright, shedding dirt, moss, and fragmented vines. His gaze lifted toward the night sky, obscured by ominous thunderclouds, tainted with an eerie light blue hue. Rain showered down in a strange way, coating his optics with droplets that he couldn't feel. Movement beside him caught his ear, causing him to turn his head in response.

Marcus noticed two men sprawled on the ground beside him. They wore overalls and raincoats, their faces drained of color, as if they had just seen a ghost. One of them trembled uncontrollably, his eyes widening as he stared at Marcus. Every now and then, his gaze flickered to Marcus's right arm, seeing the sharp metal poking out where a hand should be. The three of them remained like that for a moment before Marcus raised a finger to his face where his lips would have been, signaling the men to remain silent. With cautious steps, he made his way toward the gate, gradually picking up the pace until he broke into a jog.

As Marcus passed through the open gate, his camera captured the sight of another wall ahead, larger and fortified with imposing barbed fencing. A sense of confusion washed over him as he couldn't recall this wall being there during his previous times he had been awake. The ground between the walls stretched out, a barren expanse of dirt with no other objects in sight beyond rows of barbwire. In the distance, he spotted more people fleeing the scene, making their way towards the gatehouse, while some of them were suddenly slowing down for some reason.

Marcus increased his pace, determined to catch up with the others and blend in with them, or at least try to. Suddenly, he spotted a blue shimmer in his path. Figuring it was just a distortion, he sped up, before crashing into it with full force, abruptly halting his momentum in an instant. It had felt as if he had run into a brick wall. The collision caused further damage to the plastic plating on his body, not to mention rattle him beyond words. 'What the hell was that!' he thought as he shook his head before he examined the peculiar, semi-transparent field before him, stretching out as far as he could see. It had been hard to see from a distance, but up close, he now could make out its strange quality, like seeing billions of fragmented blueish crystals floating in mid-air, interweaving constantly.

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