Hecate, the goddess of magic

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Virgo drew out the pepper spray in her bag and threw it at the face of one of the thugs. This made him loosen his grip on Luna's legs and she easily kicked the other guy flat on his face and crawled forward just in time for the door to close.

"And pepper spray saves the day again!" Aquarius announced.

"Shouldn't you give Virgo a little more credit," Luna wiped a drop of sweat off her face and smiled at Virgo.

"Thanks, but no thanks," Virgo replied modestly.

"Please you saved my life," Luna said, making Virgo blush.

"I'm sure you could've managed," Virgo muttered, feeling her cheeks get hot. She sometimes got nervous when everyone's attention was on her and today, that was the case.

Luna merely smiled understandingly and led the group along the dark narrow tunnel with the torchlights on their phones turned on.

Gradually, a bright light started to appear as they proceeded forward. After a few minutes, everyone gasped as they saw a magnificent-looking elevator with bright golden light coming out of it.

"Wow," Leo breathed as he touched its finely carved structure.

"Let me introduce you to your first-ever mythical portal," Luna said with a smile "I would let you admire it but that would take days and we are in a bit of a hurry."

Luna ushered everyone inside the portal and everyone was mesmerized to see that the inside was just as beautiful as the exterior, if not better looking.

"Um, can I take pictures?" Gemini asked as he took his phone out of his pocket.

"Try," Luna shrugged.

Gemini tried to switch on his phone, but its screen remained blank.

"Hey, what's going on?" Gemini slapped the side of his phone hard in an attempt to make it work.

"No use doing that. No gadgets work in the mythical portals or in the other worlds. We have to use their technology or none. Personally, I would recommend using none." Luna explained, "Now we really have to start moving."

After saying this she closed her eyes and sang what seemed to be an ancient ballad. The carvings seemed to become alive and looked as if they were dancing to the ballad. Out of all the talents Luna had possessed, the zodiacs would have never guessed that singing was one of them.

After the song was finished and before the zodiacs had any time to praise her, the portal started moving. It was like they were being whisked off at such a great speed that all of them felt nauseous and light-headed. The only one who was standing still without any such symptoms was Luna. The feeling got to them so much that at one point, all of them looked so pale that Luna had to pass each of them empty paper bags. But, not one vomited inside the portal even though the feeling came up to their throat by the time their ride was over.

Suddenly the portal stopped with a sudden jerk. The doors opened and the zodiacs rushed out throwing up in their respective bags.

"Okay, now that felt good," Libra sighed, wiping his mouth.

"Agreed," Capricorn sat down.

"Hello? We're not done yet, guys." Luna rolled her eyes.

"But I don't understand, I wanted to vomit in the portal so badly but I just couldn't." Pisces turned to Luna, looking confused while the others agreed with her.

"That's magic for you," Luna looked at them quite sympathetically.

"Why doesn't it affect you?" Taurus asked.

"Good question, maybe because I've spent half my life searching for all these things," Luna said half-seriously and half-sarcastically.

"Wait, where's the portal?" Sagittarius asked as he looked around.

"It leaves as soon as it has fulfilled its purpose. Its location will be changed now." Luna explained quietly.

"Where are we?" Scorpio looked around his dimly lit surroundings.

"Finally, a sensible question! Thank you, Scorpio. We are in front of Hecate's residence." Luna said with a mysterious smile "Beware as you enter, as she's not exactly known for her kindness."

Luna led them into a cave which appeared dark and mysterious as they wandered in it.

The light got dimmer until a luminous object shaped like the moon caught their eye.

"The Moon-" Cancer started but was interrupted by the deep, bewitching voice of a woman who appeared beside her, making Cancer jump.

"Quite an observation, my daughter." A woman with very dark, black hair, pale skin and yellow eyes spoke.

She stepped forward, quite enjoying the attention she was drawing

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She stepped forward, quite enjoying the attention she was drawing. She wore a long black dress, that fitted her like an armour. She was so breathtakingly beautiful that the others held their breath when she spoke. Moreover, her enthralling voice made the zodiacs want to keep listening to her talk over and over again. She held an elegant-looking staff and turned to Luna saying, "Luna darling, long time no see!"

"Hecate," Luna nodded stiffly, not meeting Hecate's eyes.

"One never gets tired of the heart, right?" Hecate laughed. Even the way she laughed made the zodiacs admire her more.

"Certainly," Luna looked uncomfortable as she fisted her hand.

Hecate beckoned her children towards her as she sat down on a throne made of shiny and beautiful quartzes. She stroked Scorpio's hair and touched Cancer's face looking deep into her eyes.

"You, my children, must carry my legacy to your world." Hecate's yellow eyes seemed to glow.

Cancer looked visibly uncomfortable but Scorpio seemed to be literally enchanted by her.

"Ahem," Luna cleared her throat "I assume you know everything, because word travels quickly around here." Luna winced at her words as if they were giving her pain and remorse. She then, held out twelve necklaces.

"I believe you will do this, if not for the safety of the world or your children, but for your well-being." Luna said coldly as she handed the necklaces to Hecate.

Hecate looked hungrily at the necklaces and then said "You're a smart girl Luna, I've never doubted that. But maybe you are too confident in your words."

Luna feared that this would happen, but she hoped it wouldn't. Well, she now knew that she shouldn't have underestimated Hecate, the goddess of magic. There was only one thing they could do to get out of the underworld alive...

"Nothing in this world is free. After all, everything comes with a price," Hecate said with a cunning smile as if she planned to make all of them walk through fire, which she was likely to...

Hey guys! How did you like this chapter? A twist, isn't it? Sorry for not posting for the last two weeks, I had exams. I know what you must be thinking, she has an excuse for everything. Okay maybe I do, so what? Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Yours truly,

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