Kiss, Marry, Kill [PART - 2]

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"Well we can't stop this very jocund game because of them." Aries argued.

"Are you serious?!" Virgo glared at her.

"Actually I am, Pisces your next."

Everyone merely shrugged as Pisces stuttered.

"Uhm..... I don't know...."

"Spit it out," Gemini smirked.

"Kiss Gemini," Now it was Gemini's turn to look flustered.

"Marry Scorpio, as a friend of course." Pisces muttered.

"You can't marry someone as a friend." Sagittarius teased her.

"Oh shut up everyone knows Scorp and Tautology are soulmates." Pisces smirked at Scorpio making him turn red.

"Shut up," he said embarrassed.

Everyone merely laughed.

"So I think the answer to the kill one is very obvious." Pisces chuckled.

"So your gonna kill Gemini after kissing him?" Capricorn raised an eyebrow.

Pisces nodded.

"Makes absolute sense," Aries shrugged.

"Your up Scorpion." Sagittarius smirked.

"Shut up Stag. Is this game compulsory?" Scorpio asked unwillingly.

"Of course it is unless you don't want to be stuck with Aqua for a day,...actually make it two." Capricorn said, making Scorpio glance at Aquarius.

"Hey, I'm very fun to be around!" Aquarius argued.

"So I'd kiss Pisces 'cause she's the only sweet girl in here and won't tell a soul about it." He took a quick look at Pisces.

"I'd marry- "

"We all know who you'd marry, spill the next one." Libra tormented him.

The others laughed while Scorpio smirked "If you say so."

"Ahem, so of course I'd kill Gemini." He laughed.

"Why am I still here?" Gemini pretended to sound miserable.

"Do any of you guys know what Leo's choice would be?" Capricorn asked.

"Being his bestfriend," Aquarius announced loudly " Leo will probably kiss and marry himself and kill Gemini."

"First off, you are not his bestfriend and secondly, how do you know he'd kill ME?!"

"You're too annoying even for that idiot." Aquarius shrugged, not aware that her guesses had been right.

"You're up V." Cancer smirked.

"I hate all of you," Virgo glared.

"Ahem, so Kiss Leo," she started off, making everyone gasp.

"Marry Cancer of course, and..."

"Kill Gemini" Gemini himself finished for her.

"Nah your wrong, kill Leo. Be grateful I'm showing mercy on you." Virgo winked.

"I never expected such a plot twist!"

"Sag your up!" Aries shouted.

"So I'd kiss.... Libra cause he's a miserable loner. Marry.... Aries and then divorce her. Kill Gem." Sagittarius replied swiftly.

"Who'd wanna marry an idiot like you?" Aries made a face.

"No one," Libra smirked as he and Aries high-fived.

"I think we're done right?" Virgo asked while looking around.

Capricorn tried to remain as quiet as he could.

"Hell no, Cap's left. Poor boy." Aquarius smirked.

Capricorn glared at her, "Sorry I was not aware."

"Of course you weren't." Aquarius replied while smiling sweetly at him.

" Ahem, so I'd rather kiss my foot than kiss any of you people. Marry Sag cause I would feel sorry for him for having Aries as a wife and kill Gemini."

"Hey! I can be a very good wife. Oh and I'd like to see you kiss your foot Sag." Aries got her revenge.

Aries, Aquarius, Gemini and Libra did not leave poor Sagittarius until he finally kissed his foot which made him instantly run off to the washroom.

Taurus sighed as she absent-mindedly wandered around the frozen lake.

Tears were streaming from her face. She wiped them and muttered something about revenge.

Just then Leo came searching for her.

"Oh you're here and you look fine..."

"Did you expect me to be crying pathetically in a corner." She scoffed.

"Look Taurus I'm... sorry for all the things I said back there. I was a complete jerk."

"For once you're right."

He came close to her and held her hand. "Look, I actually wanted to tell you that-"

Taurus realising what he was about to say, snatched her hand away from him, "I should go," she said before walking away leaving Leo in the woods.

I know, I know it's been two whole months. I had my finals and I did well (surprise!).
I actually had written half of this chapter before my finals, then I couldn't find any time to complete it and blah blah blah. I made a whole new plot for the story. The couples have changed and I just wanted to know if you guys would prefer if this story had below 50 or 50+ chapters. I also have an announcement-
New chapters every Friday! It may be delayed if I'm busy but I'll make sure to compensate.
So how have you guys been? It's been so long since we literally had this interaction.

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