Camping (PART-2)

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Pisces got up and was confused for a second, but then remembering where they were, she merrily got up and strolled towards the washroom.
"Good morning!" Aries greeted her at the door.
"GM to you too!" Pisces smiled "Who's clogging the toilet this time?"
"Libra," Aries scoffed.
"I'm not surprised," Pisces said nonchalantly.
"Nope," was the short reply from the other side.
"Aww I'm scared," Libra said from the other side, sarcastically.
"Get the heck out Lib," Pisces rolled her eyes.
"Scorpio brings your lockpicking kit," Aries said to an imaginary Scorpio.
Suddenly, the door flew open. "There you go, all done!" Libra said hastily and hurried off.
"Works every time," Aries high-fived Pisces.

"Morning idiots." Scorpio joined them at the table.
"Who did you just call an idiot?" Aquarius raised an eyebrow.
"Lame," Scorpio made an L sign with his fingers and put it on his forehead.
"I vote we starve Scorpio till he apologises," Aries suggested enthusiastically.
"I'm in," The others said.
"I can easily order food online." Scorpio shrugged.
"Nice try," Gemini grinned "There's no WiFi."
"Oh, shit-"
"Now, who wants to do what?" Virgo asked them.
"I want to go hiking," Aries grumbled.
"Sorry, not today Aries," Capricorn shook his head ruefully.
"Check the weather forecast,"
"So who wants to go strawberry picking in the woods," Virgo asked them merrily.
No one raised their hands, nor did they say "Me!".
Virgo looked disappointed.
"Who wants to chop wood?" she asked, expecting the same answer.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius raised their hands enthusiastically and shouted "Me!!".
"Um okay, I've decided to make groups of 4, so one other should join you guys."
"I don't mind joining them." Scorpio shrugged.
"Okay, I've kept the axes outside," Virgo told them.
A few seconds later, Virgo spoke up again "Who wants to make fire?" Virgo asked them.
"Pfft, that's so easy," Aquarius said.
"Who wants to light a fire without a lighter or matches," Virgo smirked.
No one again.
"That's it, you have to do what I say," Virgo said irritably.
"And why is that?" Gemini pouted.
"Trust me, you don't have an option." she raised an eyebrow.
"Taurus, Gemini, me and... Libra can go strawberry picking." Virgo decided.
"No," Gemini whined.
"Yesss," Aquarius mocked him.
"Gem and Lib will probably prank me," Taurus said.
"Ooh, nice idea," Gemini smirked.
We should probably leave you to the bears." Libra suggested slyly.
"Nice try, I'm not 5." Taurus rolled her eyes.
"We'll be off." Virgo and the other three left.
"I'm worried about them," Pisces said jokingly.
"I trust Virgo and Taurus to take care of the other two." Capricorn shrugged.

"So now, me, Cancer, Pisces and Aquarius will light a fire," Capricorn added "Wait, why am I the only guy here?"
The others shrugged and looked at each other.
Aquarius smirked. Both Pisces and Cancer got the hint.
"What's going on?" Capricorn raised an eyebrow.
"Virgo isn't here..." Cancer said, smiling innocently.
"No one how to light a fire... traditionally," Pisces said, trying to act innocent.
"Right.." Capricorn muttered.
"Why can't you just get the hint," Aquarius groaned "My idea is that we should light a fire with the lighter."
"But-" Capricorn began.
"Are you in or out?" The three of them said irritably in unison.
"I'm in." Capricorn threw up his hands.
"Good," Cancer patted him on the back.
"Now, we just find the lighter!" Aquarius announced brightly.
"I know where it is," Pisces said and went into the kitchen.
"Guys! Guess what I found." Pisces cried in disbelief.
"The lighter?" Capricorn guessed practically.
Pisces handed them a note which said-

I appreciate you guys trying to use a shortcut and not using your brain (if you have one) instead.
Yours, Virgo

Capricorn burst into laughter while Aquarius stared into the piece of paper in disbelief "How does she know every single thing we do?"
"I told you she was a witch!" Cancer said in a matter-of-factly voice.
"I believe we have outsmarted Virgo," Pisces said slowly "Taurus said something about bringing a match here."
"Now that I think of it, I do remember her saying that." Capricorn agreed.
"Be right back," Cancer said excitedly.
Several seconds later, they heard her groan loudly.
She gloomily handed them another piece of paper.

Don't worry you have not reached the stage where you can outsmart me yet. And no Cancer, I'm not a witch, you've been talking about that possibility for months - "Have I!" Cancer exclaimed in surprise -
So please don't waste time and get started or your missing lunch...and dinner.
Yours, Virgo

"This has given me new motivation!" Pisces said quite proudly.
"C'mon," Capricorn smirked and led them out.

"You guys are complete idiots," Virgo and Taurus said in unison.
"It feels great to be an idiot," Gemini grinned.
"I agree," Libra nodded.
"Ooh look!" Taurus pointed.
Suddenly, they heard Gemini scream like a banshee.
"Gemini that's just a beetle." Virgo sighed.
"I-it may be poisonous." Gemini stuttered.
Libra burst out laughing while Taurus recorded the whole thing.
"Guys...we are supposed to collect strawberries remember?"
"Right...." Taurus nodded "Look! Lib's trying to run away!"
Taurus chased after Libra.
"Now start collecting," Virgo ordered.
"Yes ma'am!" Gemini saluted.
Both of them started collecting.
Suddenly a woman passed by. "Oh hello!" she greeted them pleasantly.
"Um hi," Virgo muttered.
"Hey! I'm Gemini, this is Virgo, she's very smart and a bit too solemn." Gemini blabbered away.
Virgo kicked Gemini's leg and added "Don't mind this idiot's talkative nature."
"It's fine," the woman chuckled "Such a funny couple you both are!"
"Oh no, we're just friends," Virgo said.
"Yeah, since she got out of medication, her boyfriend broke up with her and she's all alone in this world." Gemini lied.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" The woman said sympathetically "I better get going, I hope you'll find a better man!" she smiled kindly at Virgo and left.
Virgo kicked Gemini's leg very hard this time.
"Owww," he winced.
"That's for making up fake stories about me, now I know you were the one who spread the rumour about me being gay..." Virgo facepalmed.
"Most of the school still thinks your gay." Gemini shrugged.
At that moment, they saw Taurus dragging Libra by his ear. It was a very funny sight.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck with animals." Taurus rolled her eyes.
"You're not the only one," Virgo agreed.
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean." Libra pretended to be offended.
"Stop the act and start helping us." Virgo frowned.

"So which tree is fit to be cut by the great Leo?" Leo tossed his head in a self-absorbed way.
"That's lame," Aries rolled her eyes.
"Bruh," Sagittarius agreed.
"This one'll do." Scorpio decided.
"I'll do the chopping work as none of you are strong enough here," Sagittarius smirked.
"Yeah right," Scorpio and Aries said together while rolling their eyes.
Poor Sagittarius wasn't able to lift the axe itself, let alone bring down the tree.
Aries and Leo burst into peels of laughter while Scorpio cast an amused smile.
"You try then," Sagittarius handed Leo the axe and pouted.
Leo was able to lift the axe but unfortunately (or fortunately) wasn't able to cut right through the tree trunk.
The axe got stuck in the middle and neither would go in nor out.
"I can't believe you both," Scorpio muttered.
Aries smirked and swiftly cut the tree in half and Leo and Sagittarius who were behind the tree got unfortunately killed.....
Don't worry, I'm just kidding they didn't get killed. They just ran like their lives depended on it while yelling "IM GETTING KILLED!!" and "HELP, SOMEONE!!".
"Oops," Aries tried hard not to laugh and be sorry but failed miserably.
"I'll try to cut in the middle," Scorpio said.
"I think we'll need only a little wood for the bonfire, or is it called a campfire?"
"Maybe both." Scorpio shrugged and plunged the axe into the horizontal, fallen tree trunk.
A few minutes later
"I wonder where the other idiots are," Aries said thoughtfully.
Scorpio smirked and said jokingly "Maybe they are, right now, in the stomach of a tiger?"
"That's fortunate," Aries remarked and both of them burst out laughing.
"I just hope they aren't doing anything illegal.... without me," she added.

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