"Ex- soon to be- WHAT!"

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"AQUA STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" Sagittarius came running towards them.

Draco suddenly grabbed Aquarius' hand.

She suddenly pulled out a pepper spray from her purse and sprayed it on Draco.

"Sag, you know what to do." Aquarius said.



Sagittarius looked at her as if she'd swallowed a goldfish.

"Fine I'll do it then." She said punching Draco right in the nose.

"Oww," he yelped before turning his bloody nose towards Aquarius and smirking "It'll sure take a lot of effort knocking me out,"

"No, it won't." Gemini hit him at the back of his head with a wine glass, finally knocking him out.

"Phew, thanks." Sagittarius wiped sweat off of his face and turning towards Aquarius "How did you know?"

"Know what,"

"Know that he's... er- evil." Gemini said.

"Oh I didn't,"

"Why did you carry a pepper spray then, wait do all girls carry one to all their dates," Sagittarius said.

"Uh- some girls yes, but I don't. Taurus and Virgo convinced me as they thought something was wrong with Draco," Aquarius looked away at the last part.

"Wish he'd kidnapped you," Gemini scowled playfully.

"I'm not a kid," Aquarius rolled her eyes.

"Oh really, let me check,"

"Need glasses, grandpa?"

"GUYS THIS ISN'T THE TIME TO ARGUE," Sagittarius cried.

"Did you learn that from Virgin?" Gemini rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, sure did, by the way Aqua aren't you curious as to how I knew Draco was our enemy?" Sagittarius asked.

"Oh I already know that!" Aquarius smirked. "Did you really think I would trust you and spray pepper spray on my ex soon-to-be future boyfriend? Of course not, I would've actually sprayed it on you if I hadn't known the truth."

"Ex soon to be WHAT!" Gemini looked at her as if she'd announced that she was running off to the join the circus (I'd love to see Aquarius in a circus tbh, okay that was off topic).

"Wait, are you... jealous?" Aquarius smirked.

"O-of course not! Jealous of what? I'd probably be the happiest person if he'd k-kidnapped you," Gemini stuttered.

"You still haven't told me how you found out," Sagittarius glared at her.

"Well at the end he kind of held my hand gently, and at that time I kind of noticed that he had a weird band around him, and also he was kind of hypnotising me, but with his eyes. Then, you burst in, the spell was broken and I realised what was going on so I kind of acted on impulse, what about you? How did you find out?" Aquarius explained. (Okay thats a lot of kind-of's Aqua)

"Well, remember my photos? I took some in the car and I spotted a gun and some chambers that were designed to let special kinds of gases in. Cap actually identified them. We thought about it and then we also found some logo in one of my selfies inside the car. I sent it to Ophi and she texted me asking where I got the picture of that logo all in caps with an exclamation and question mark, so we figured it was something bad. But then, Aries very rudely burst into our room and we explained everything and then she told me that you were on a date with this guy and... here we are!"

"Okay...... so that's interesting." Aquarius nodded.

"..... then I punched his face. That's how he blacked out." Aquarius was summing up.

"You forgot the part where I hit his head with a wine glass," Gemini reminded her while smirking.

"Oh yeah that too." Aquarius rolled her eyes.

"So what do we do now?" Cancer stared at the others.

"Get some rest? It's literally two in the morning," Taurus yawned.

"I agree with her," Leo put his arm around Taurus making her give him a death glare.

"But what about him?" Pisces eyed Draco.

"How about we lock him in a closet and give him a dose of a lot of sleeping pills?" Scorpio suggested with a smirk.

"And how do we find sleeping pills?" Capricorn asked.

"Oh I have some," Scorpio added after looking at their puzzled faces "just in case of an emergency... like this one!" Saying that he speed-walked to his room to get them.

"Someone will also have to be awake to guard this snake since we can't trust these people to be mortal." Virgo glared at Draco's unconscious body.

"I'll do it, since all of this is my fault," Aries volunteered.

"No, it's not." Capricorn assured her warmly making her look away while blushing profusely (Okay that's a first).

"I'll stay up with you." Capricorn held her hand making everyone smirk at them.

"Aqua? You there... Oww it hurts." Gemini tripped.

"You're such a clumsy idiot." Aquarius' teary face broke into a small smile.

"Not as much as- wait... are you crying?" Gemini leaned closer as he sat next to Aquarius making her look away for some wierd reason "Hey, what's wrong?"

Aquarius got infuriated "What's wrong you ask? Everything with me is wrong! I was so in stupid love that I never realised that I was falling for our enemy. I'd hate to know what would've happened if Sagittarius and you hadn't burst in at the right moment."

"Love can blind people," Gemini comforted her "Heck, the entire cheer team looked and looks alike to me, and I dated all of them!"

Aquarius let out a small laugh "Thank you, I'll get going now."

Gemini nodded as he sat alone on the terrace depending on his thoughts to entertain him.

"Oh shit, I promised Ophi that I'd call." He mused and pulled out his phone.

"Hello? Finally Gem! Are everyone safe and alright?!" Ophiuchus asked, sounding exasperated.

"Yes, they are...." Gemini explained what had happened "Then Quack said she saw a strange band on his wrist, and th-"

"WHAT? Gemini, I need you to silently creep downstairs and see if everything's okay. RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" Ophiuchus cried.

"Okay okay, calm down." Gemini said as he went downstairs to check the girls' room first "See, everything's alright, I bet Leo'll be snoring loudly by now."

Gemini started walking towards the elevator.

"If he's not, run as fast as you can out of the building. Okay?" Ophiuchus muttered.

"I don't know what you're so worried ab-" He stopped in his tracks when he saw the door of their room open.

"Okay just have to check if Leo's snoring. Please snore. Please snore-" Gemini leaned closer to the door and alas! No snoring!

"Maybe Lee went out for a walk," he mused thoughtfully.

Gemini's face paled when he heard Draco's slimy voice as he got nearer.

"Wait, I heard someone!" Draco yelled at someone, maybe his minions.

Gemini ran as fast as he could out of the building and into some dark alleys.

"I lost them," he sighed "Fuck, I lost my phone while running."

Hey guys! What's up? Btw chapters will be published on Mondays, as school started.

What was your favourite chapter so far?


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