The Truth (PART-2)

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Everyone except the earth signs and Scorpio came rushing downstairs.

"Did someone die?!" Cancer shouted.

"Nah, I just wanted you guys to come down here. So I think it's time to continue the story."

"What story?" Leo asked confused.

"I think she means the one with all the complicated names." Aries said.

"Ohhhh the people whose names were zebra and vet-something." Sagittarius guessed.

Ophiuchus rolled her eyes and asked the signs to get the other 4 zodiacs.

"Where are we going?" Capricorn asked suspiciously.

"You'll see."

"Is it me or does it feel like we're in a horror movie?" Pisces said excitedly.

"It's just you," Scorpio answered flatly making her roll her eyes.

"We're here!" Ophiuchus parked the car in front of a very big mansion.

"Wow," Virgo muttered.

"Where are we?" Gemini asked.

Just then Mr. K, Pegila and Dr. Lyra walked towards them.

"Hey guys!" Pegila greeted them enthusiastically.

"Hi," Lyra smiled at everyone but held her gaze at Pisces for a longer time.

Mr. Seriousface snorted out of annoyance.

"It's great to meet your dad Scorpi." Aquarius nudged him playfully.

"Okay folk, so there's been a slight confusion." Mr. K glanced at their necklaces.

"Curse Damon," Dr. Lyra muttered under her breath.

"I want all of you to take off your necklaces and give it to me." Mr. K held out a hand.

"Thank goodness nothing serious has happened....yet." Pegila breathed a sigh of relief.

"What do you mean?" Virgo asked confused.

Mr. K said something under his breath and dropped their necklaces into the fireplace next to him.

Suddenly, a lot of black smoke started oozing out of it. Trust me, it smelled pretty gross.

"Woah," Leo stared at it in shock.

"We have a spy on Earth." Dr. Lyra declared.

"Who works for?" Capricorn asked.

"Good question, so I'm assuming we left at Vernand's wife?" Mr. K asked.

Remember who he was? Yeah me neither. I had look into my book.

"So the Vernand's wife gave birth to a girl named as Atlanta." Pegila continued.

"Uhm excuse me, should we remember all these names?" Libra asked.

"Oh hell no," Aries moaned.

Ophiuchus glared at Aries before shaking her head.

"So, Atlanta then gave birth to a baby boy called Damon aka our enemy." Lyra explained.

"He is the ruler of not one, but two planets. One named Ipa which is filled with light and angels." Mr. K said.

"How can something which is bright and angelic be evil?" Cancer asked confused.

"Did I mention angels that devour other beings. The light is specifically there for blinding trespassers." Mr. K explained.

"And also why is there always a misconception that dark or black means evil?" Scorpio scoffed.

"True but not always, you see the other planet - Tama is filled with advanced technology and dark magic."

"Our enemy sounds powerful." Pisces sighed.

"The twelve Olympians along with Hades and Hestia or Dionysus." Pegila said.

"But that means that there are the fourteen of us, right?" Taurus asked.

"Actually the big three gods - Zeus, Posiedon and Hades decided not to make anyone as they thought thier children would be too powerful so other gods joined in."

"Come on, we both know that they were way too lazy." Lyra scoffed.

"Lyra!" Mr. K glared at her.

"What?! They need to know that okay?" She smirked.

"Guys!" Ophiuchus looked like she wanted to jump out a window.

"She started it,"

"Did not," Lyra retorted.

"Wait,... it is way too quiet in here. OMG where are the zodiacs?!" Pegila was the first to realise that the 12 moro- I mean zodiacs were not to be found.

"Oh god..." Ophiuchus sighed.

After half an hour, they finally collected all of them together.

"That holographic room was so cool!" Sagittarius grinned.

"I should've brought a swimsuit," Pisces sighed.

"GUYS!" Ophiuchus gave them a look which said 'shut up if you want dinner today".

"So those necklaces are-" Leo started.

"Hacked by the enemy." Pegila completed for him.

"What harm did they do to us?" Aquarius asked.

"Out guess is that Damon now can control a tiny part of you guys since the necklace hasn't been on for a longer period of time." Lyra said.

"What?!" Gemini yelled.

"Only one person can remove it from your souls." Pegila sighed.

"Hecate, the goddess of magic."

"Ouch!" Just then Libra exclaimed " It feels like a pebble just hit my head."

Lyra and Mr. K looked at each other, worried.

A few minutes later Libra insisted that he was fine and that they should continue the conversation.

"So where the hell do we find Hecate?" Aries asked excited for an adventure.

"In the underworld." Mr. K replied calmly.

"In the what?!" Leo burst out.

"Don't worry we'll find an ALMOST safe route for you guys." Pegila smiled.

"Almost?!" Pisces gulped.

"Um Scorpio can I have a small chat with you?" Mr. K asked.

"Er.. Sure."

Mr. K dragged him to a corner and said-

"Look I know this is going to be a bit of a surprise but um... Hecate is the one who created you and can say she's your guys' mother."

I know this has taken a Percy Jackson sort of twist but it's fun okay? I'm having fun and I hope you guys are enjoying reading this.
PS - I won't tolerate people who are like -
"Nooo, I hate the god/goddess *his/her zodiac sign* is associated with!
Like wtf am I supposed to do? I can't make Zeus as the father of all the zodiacs and hand it out like I'm giving free flyers to you guys.
Also thank you to those who have stayed in touch with my book and awaited new chapters patiently. You guys have my respect ❤️.

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