Chapter 17

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Once the group exited the hospital, they decided to go their separate ways. "Me and Gabe are going to go to a drive." Sam told the other two whilst holding Gabriel's hand in his.

Gabriel smiled, and he and Sam walked to Gabriel's car. Cas and Dean waved to the others, and they got into Dean's.

As Dean struggled to get into the car, Castiel asked, "Do you require any assistance, Dean?"

"No, thank you. I can manage," Dean replied.

Castiel rolled his eyes, walked to Dean, and chuckled. He loved him so very much, but Dean was always going to be Dean. Smart but also dumb.

Cas helped Dean get into the passenger side and walked back to the driver's. He then got in, and Dean immediately pulled him in for a kiss.

He was startled, but he soon fell into it. It was more passionate than heated, but it got heated real quick. Both of them pulled away for some needed air and stared at one another. Castiel was panting while Dean just kept staring at him.

"That---" Cas stuttered. He enjoyed it, but dang, that was fast.

Dean just smiled. But on the inside, he was panicking like crazy. He couldn't believe he had just done that. Like, what the heck was he thinking?

But that soon started to fade away once he saw Castiel's face. It looked like he was startled and questioning himself.

Cas then took a deep breath and looked back at Dean. "That was great." He paused to take yet another breath. "But next time, a little warning before we get into that." He said, panting. He put the car in drive and headed off to Dean's place.

"I think I wanna marry you."

I just want to apologize again for such a late post and a short chapter. I've just been busy with things going on at home and school. Also, I've gotten into a relationship recently, so that may drop the posting schedule a bit as well.

"I Think I Wanna Marry You." (A Destiel and Sabriel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now