Chapter 11

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"Jerk," Sam shot back.

Dean rolled his eyes and took another sip. They both heard footsteps and turned their heads to the sound.

Please be Cas. Dean prayed in his head.

It was actually Gabriel. Dean frowned and went back to his drink.

"Awe is Dean-o sad. Don't worry, Cas is coming."

Dean rolled his eyes, but he was impatiently waiting for his hunter to come down.

A few minutes went by, and Cas soon came down. Dean smiled and faced Cas. Cas returned it and sat next to Dean. Once everyone was seated, Cas spoke. "So I got another job for us. It's down in Chicago, and I need someone to go with me. Dean? Would you go?"

Dean went silent because he knew his .... he didn't even know what they were. Friends with benefits? Boyfriends? Well, whatever they were, he was about to find out. He wanted to go with Cas, and he immediately nodded and grabbed his stuff from his room.

"He's excited, huh?" Sam smiled.

Dean ran down to the kitchen and gestured for them to go. He ran to his Impala and got in the front seat. Cas soon followed, more confused as ever.


They soon got to Chicago and went to a hotel room. When Dean asked for two singles, it made Cas feel terrible. Did he not love me, anyone? Cas thought. They sat their things down, and Dean went straight one of the beds and sat staring at Cas.

Castiel's perspective:

"Dean? Are you alright?" I asked him.

No answer. Why was he staring at me?

I went over to the bed to find him tearing up. I pull a chair to sit by him.

"What's wrong?"

"I......." He said but couldn't finish. He can't find the words, maybe?

I waved my hand in front of him. "You don't have to tell me. You just rest. You need it."

He just nodded and rolled over. I sighed and laid down on the other bed.


Still Cas's perspective:

The next morning, I woke up first and decided to take a shower. I grabbed some clean clothes and headed to the bathroom. One I got my trench of, I niece something in the mirror.

"What the hell?" I say to myself. I just saw these huge black wings.

"Take your jacket off. Stay a while."

I was hesitant. I couldn't let him know about my secret. He wouldn't like me anymore now that I have wings. He'll probably call me a bird or something.

I shook my head on hopes of changing the subject. But Dean was stubborn.

"Cas? Is there something you're hiding from me?" He said as he sat on the bed.

"N-no." I hesitated.

"Cas, I can't help you of you don't tell me." He said sincerely.

I stored and sat on my bed across from him.

I pulled my trench coat off, and the wings spread out.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared you wouldn't like me anymore."

"Oh, Cas. Dean said as he cupped my face in his hands. His eyes were so genuine, and his hands were gentle that it's hard to explain the feeling.

He then kissed me. His lips were so caring and careful. I didn't know what to do. I just sat there while he kissed me. He pulled away, and I frowned.

"Why the long face?" He said as he looked confused but worried.

"I just feel like you wouldn't like me because of the wings. I thought you would call me a bird or something." I said as I looked at the floor, his hands still cupped.

"Hey." He said as he made me look at him. "The only thing I would call you is angel. You are an angel to me with your angel eyes." Dean said them smiled and kissed me once more. This time, it was more heart-felt and even more genuine and gentle.

I pulled into it, and it got a little heated. He started to shift his hand and touched the feathers of my newfound wings.

"I Think I Wanna Marry You." (A Destiel and Sabriel Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora