Chapter 16

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Maybe a touch will wake him? Castiel thought. All he wanted was to say that he was sorry. Sorry for leaving. Sorry for fighting. Sorry for everything.

Dean's arm twitched, and his eyes fluttered open. He skimmed the room to find Sam, Gabriel on his ride and found Cas on right. Dean held back the tears, and once they now had flown down, Cas wiped them with his thumb.

"I--" Dean began to stutter. There were so many things Dean wanted to say. But, he couldn't for the life of him get to say it. He didn't know how and thought that it would be just another lame excuse.

Cas waved his hand. "It's alright, Dean. Now, are you ready to go home?"

Dean nodded and smiled at him. Cas returned both the smile and the nod. He completely forgot he was holding Dean's hand, and once he looked down, he felt a hit rush of heat run to his face.

"I'll go get the nurse...." Cas said embarrassingly.

"Ah. You sit." Sam ordered as he got up. "You two need to have a talk." Both Dean and Cas looked confused. "About what happened and what was said when you two had your little fight."

Sadness just hit Dean and Cas like a train, and both of them looked down at the floor. Sam walked out of the hospital room, and Gabriel soon followed.

Castiel looked away and let go of Dean's hand. "I'm sorry." He whispered softly but loud enough for Dean to hear.

"For what? I was being the jerk. Cas, can you look at me? Please?"

Cas slightly turned his head back towards Dean but still looked down.

Dean shuffled in the bed and raised Castiel's head so Cas could face him.

"Look. I know no matter how much I
I say, "Sorry," it will never be enough. I just want you to know that I hope you can forgive me."

Cas heard this and looked back down. He chuckled and looked back up. "Of course I forgive you. That's what angels do." Cas smiled. He never forgot the day Dean called him angel and appreciated his wings.

"Angel? What do you mean you're an angel?" Dean questioned.

"Remember the day you called me an angel. And how you loved my wings." Cas responded. He took off his trench coat and revealed his jet-black wings.

Dean was in awe. Just like the first time. "Yeah, i-" He said. He couldn't look away from the wings.

Cas smiled once more and slipped the coat back on. He saw Dean frowned and chuckled. "You can see it again, just not in a public place. Okay?" He said, sitting back down.

A nurse came in just a couple of minutes later. "You are free to go." She said kindly. "But you must, and I mean must, be careful."

"Don't you worry. We'll keep him at home." Gabriel smirked.

"And he must stay home for at least a couple of weeks." The nurse was now sternly. She then left the room to look after another patient.

"I-." Dean was worried about the Bakery. Who will watch it? He had to be there to take care of it. He just had to.

"Me and Gabriel will take care of the Bakery." Sam said with assurance.

Dean had a sigh of relief. He knew it would be on good hands.

"Let's get you home." Cas said, reaching for a hand to hold.

Dean took it, and they walked out hand in hand. And as he did, he was thinking, I'm going to marry this angel.

"I Think I Wanna Marry You." (A Destiel and Sabriel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now