Chapter 13

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Dean's perspective:

A week passed, and still no Castiel. I can't blame the guy. With things I said, I deserved that, to be honest. The way I was towards him, and he was just trying to tell me why he was going. He said he was coming back, but now, I really don't think so.

The past week had been slow. Not that we didn't get a lot of customers. Just neither of us wanted to go to work. But there were bills to pay.

I pull out my Walkman and just shut the world out. I didn't want anything to do with anyone. Not even Sammy.

"How many sells did we do?" Sam asked me. I pretended I didn't hear him, and that felt good, actually. I turned the volume up to block his voice.

He nudged my arm to try to get my attention, but still to no avail, I ignored. Weclosede down the shop and walked to the car. He rolled his eyes, and we spotted Bobby by the car once again.

"Heya Bobby!" Sam waved. He put a fake smile on, and he was doing a terrible job at it.

"Hey, Sam. Dean? Are you alright?"

Still completely ignored him and turned the volume on my Walkman all the way up. I point to my ears and show that I have my Walkman on.

Bobby rolled his eyes and sughed. "I heard what happened. I'm so sorry for you, boys."

Sam just nodded. "How's Gabe? Is he doing alright?

Bobby nodded. "Dean? What is the matter? I can hear your music from here." We were about a couple feet apart, and I'm not surprised.

"What'd you say? I can't hear you?" I yelled as I pointed to my ears.

"I call Bull. What happened between you and Cas?"

I take the earplugs out and stare at Bobby. "What do you think happened, Bobby?" I walked towards my car, but I turned around. "Why don't you call him?" I exclaimed as I got in my car.

"Dean, what the hell is going on? One minute, you and Cas are complete lovebirds, and now you can't even stand his name being spoken. What the hell?"

"I don't know Bobby. Like I said. Ask. Him." I take a deep breath and sighed. "I'm going for a drive," I said with a stern. I was so mad at myself that I just needed to go somewhere. Anywhere that is not here.

"What?" Both Sam and Bobby asked.

I left without another word. I see Sam and Bobby talk as I drove off.

How could I say that to him?

"I Think I Wanna Marry You." (A Destiel and Sabriel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now