Chapter 5

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Dean soon fell asleep a while after they finished, and Cas just smiled. He looks so cute sleeping. Cas thought. They were both fully dressed now. He climbed to the diver seat and let Dean sleep in the back. He put the car in drive and as he looked to see if anyone saw that, and he had a sigh with relief.

Cas drove off to the motel, and the sign was gone. He got out of the car and walked to the door of his room. He knocked on the door, and Sam answered. Cas chuckled. "Knew it." He said softly. "Would it be alright if I have Dean's address? He's asleep right now in my car."

"Of course." Sam went to go grab a piece of paper and a pencil. We wrote it on the paper and handed it to Cas. "Thanks." Cas said.

Sam nodded. "Wait, how did he fall asleep in your car?" Sam asked. He didn't suspect anything, but he was still curious.

Cas felt his face burn, and his eyes widened. He didn't want to tell Sam that he had just banged his older brother, so he had to come up with a lie. "We were drinking, and he had a bit too much." Said the hunter.

"Classic Dean." Sam said as he smiled.

Cas smiled back and went back to the car. "Oh, that was close." He mumbled. He looked at the address and headed to it.


"Who was that?" Asked Gabriel. He was tired from their time earlier and was covered in one of the beds.

"Your brother." Sam said as he sat next to Gabriel. "Said that Dean fell asleep from one too many beers and was going to send him to mine and his house." Sam said as he got ready for work.

"Mmm." Gabriel nodded. "Now, let's sleep. I'm tired." He whined as he cuddled up to Sam.

"Oh, how I wish I could, but I have to go work, Gabe." Sam said softly. "I'll come back. I promise." He said as he kissed Gabriel and headed for the door.

"Hmph. Do you have to?" Gabriel said, arguing.

Sam rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Yes, I have to. I can't have a drunk person in the shop, so I got to work." He paused, then faced Gabriel. "I'll come back when I close it. Okay, Gabe?"

Gabriel being called 'Gabe' always gave him butterflies. No matter how much it was said. He was too flustered to say anything, so he faced Sam and just nodded and smiled. Sam returned the smile and left the door.

Now, it was just Gabriel alone in the empty motel room. Oh, how he loved Sam, but things were going too fast for both of them. They loved doing it, but it was too much, too soon. He wanted to tell Sam to take things so but was afraid he might lose his moose. He drifted off to sleep thinking about what to say to him.


"Dean?" Cas asked.

No response. Dean was out cold. Castiel rolled his eyes and decided to carry Dean to the house. It was hard getting Dean through the doors without bonking his head. Cas accidentally got Dean's head hit when he entered the bedroom, and Dean stirred. He wrapped his arms around Cas's neck and dug his head into Cas's chest.

Now it was Castiel's turn to be red, and he sat Dean down on the bed. He turned to exit when he felt a hand on his arm.

"Stayy....." Dean said quietly. His eyes were shut, but he stared to wake.

Cas had no idea what to do. Should I stay, or should I go? He thought. He was deciding, and then Dean made up his mind for him.

Dean pulled Cas's shirt and cuddled with the hunter. "Dean?" Castiel asked.

"Cas?" Dean responded mockingly.

"I thought you were asleep."

Dean chuckled. "Now I'd like to go back to sleep, but I needed you." He said as he wrapped his arms around Cas.

Castiel smiled, and his eyes started to get heavy. It was no help that Dean was playing with his hair.

"Mmmmmm...." Was all Cas could say. He loved this so much that he never wanted to end. He fell asleep, and soon Dean followed.

But what were they? Boyfriends? Friends with benefits? He knew he wasn't buddy or pal anymore. That's for sure.

"I Think I Wanna Marry You." (A Destiel and Sabriel Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora