part 30

306 11 1

Taehyung pov.

After some time we come to that abandoned building,and this girl also told as that yuri is there

In car

Taehyung: hyung we should go

Namjoon: but first we have to make plan , Kai is not a fool, he plan something for us and ,I think we need a proper plan

Jimin : yeah right,namjoon hyung you tell us what we should do

Namjoon: yeah who make you mafiya

Jin : jimin you got a no james

Tae: can you please shut up,I am here worried about her and you are joking in this situation

Namjoon: guys listen carefully ok .................

BTS : ok let's go ,and you (pointing at Hari) come with us

Hari: but why ?

Tae:just shut up and come with us (he shout)

In other side

Kai : baby please eat something, you didn't eat from morning,

Yuri : i don't want to eat (said in emotionless voice )
I am not hungry

Kai: why you need enough energy to take me after our marriage (smirk)

Yuri(disgusting): disgusting how can I fall for a boy like you ,

Kai : don't worry you will enjoy it baby,you know na I love you

Yuri : love ? What love ha? Love cheat me with my sister,you told me that you are with me just for dare and you are telling me that you love me ,what a nonsense (she scoffed)

Kai: baby I am sorry for that and I don't love your sister,she seduced me and I am really really love you ok ,now I will not leave you

Yuri: I DON'T LOVE YOU YOU BASTURD (she shouted)I just love my husband taehyung....ok(slap)

Because of slap her head turn into other side and her lips started to bleed

Kai: HOW DARE you ..........(pull her hair tightly)

Yuri: ahhh(hissed in pain) leave me or you will regret ...(glaring at him)

Kai: (said with laughing): ohh baby who will make me regret hm you tae no you love him but he doesn't love you ... hahaha, he will not come to save you and you will be with me and if he will come to save you then I will kill him for sure

To be continued.................


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