part 25

331 12 1

After eating their launch then come back in mansion, taehyung had some work that's why he left to his office and Yuri is alone in mansion then she get a call from Hari

Yuri: hello?

Hari: hey , what's are you doing?

Yuri: nothing

Hari: then let's go for lunch outside

Yuri: no I had lunch with taehyung outside

Hari: ohhho(teasing tune) date hmm

Yuri: it's not like that,just he want to eat outside that's why,

Hari: ohh ok then I am going then

Yuri: alone?

Hari : ofcourse

Yuri: no don't go alone,

Hari: but why ?(whine)

Yuri: it's (sigh) ohk fine i am coming,and I will not eat anything,I am just coming with you ok?

Hari: really okkk come fast I am hungry)(pout)

Yuri: yeah yeah

After that she cut the call and started to get ready,
Yuri pov

Should I call him or not ,what if he was busy i should not disturb him and I will come early
After that she left from there ,she was about to sit in her car but before that someone hold her from behind and make her small chloroform and make her unconscious after that that man call someone

Man: boss work is done

???: Good (smirk) now you know na what you have to do

Man:yes boss


Now what will you do Kim taehyung,i get to know about your weakness and your weakness is also is my weakness but but but ,now I will use against you and make your life hell and Yuri Yuri Yuri you are mine no ones else and if you not will mine then I will not let you someone's else

Man:boss they come

???: Hmm tell him to tie her in our basement and don't hurt her ok ,and if i get to know that you hurt her then ready to die

Man: yes boss

In basement

Yuri is unconscious but after some time she started to gain her conscious ,she opened her eyes and see that she is in different places

Yuri: where I am ? Some is there? Please help me (scared voice)

???: Oh so you wake up sweet heart

Yuri: Who are you?

???: Ohh you didn't recognise me baby

Yuri: please let me go ,i don't know you , please let me go (teary eyes)

???: How can I let you go hmm

He said come close to her and after seeing him you become shocked

Yuri: Kai....

Kai: yes sweet heart,(smirk)

Yuri: so you kidnapped me (scared)

Kai : why are you scared baby oh now I have surprise for you now closed you eyes

Yuri: ........

Kai: if I said something then you have to obey me ok(cold voice)

Yuri: (close her eyes)

Kai: now open your eyes baby

Yuri open her eyes and after seeing that person she become numb and her eyes filled with tears ...

To be continued.............


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