part 7

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Hi everyone,how are you all , i know this story is getting bored but just for some part and then will start their new jourlney .
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Author pov

In the evening, Taehyung finished  his work and gets ready to go home.He takes all his files and sits in his car to go home.

he reached home and find his friends sitting on the sofa in the living room.

he reached home and find his friends sitting on the sofa in the living room

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Living room

Tae: hi hyung

Namjoon: hi taebear

Jin: hi tae how are you?

Tae: i am fine hyung.what about you?

Jin : i am also fine (smile )

Tae: why are you all hear hyung?

Suga: oh don't tell me you forgot about our mission?

Tae: oh no no i did not forget(lie) (awkward laugh) you guys wait hear ok  i am going to change my clothes

Jk : ok

After that they left for their mission

Time skip

After mission they all are sitting in living room

Namjoon: it was so dangerous

J hope : yes hyung thank God we survived or else we dead by now just because of tae ,Where was his mind  today what happened to him?

Jimin: yes hyung  Today he  was lost in  his own thoughts

Namjoon: yes,when I called him in morning he sounded like he is sad and i ask him also but he said he tell us where we meet  , let's just ask him

They go to Taehyung's room and knocks before going to his room.

Tae: come in

Jimin: hi tae what are you doing

Tae: oh you hear , nothing , what happened you need anything?

Jin: nono we just come here to talk to you

Tae : yes hyung tell me

Namjoon: tae now tell us why are sad hm? When I called you you didn't tell me what happened to you, now don't lie ,  tell us what happened hm?

Tae( teary eyes): hyung , dad want me marry someone for becoming the next ceo
And you know na what happened to my past ,again, i don't want to marry anyone all girls are same , i don't want to be broken again hyung (crying)

Jin :  ( hug him tightly) tae tae don't cry bear i know what happened to your past  but not all girls are same , some girls are pure, innocent,and kind hearted also

Plese tae try to move on from your past

Namjoon: yes tae Jin hyung is  telling  true

Tae: i will try hyung( look down)

Jimin: that's my soulmate (smile )(hug him tightly)

Tae(smile) : ok ok now let's go i am hungry i want food (while pouting)

BTS: yes yes let's go ( excited) food is life you know😉😉

They left from there But someone are still there standing looking at them

Tae: (in mind) i can't move on hyung i don't want be broke down again like past

To be continued.....


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