part 4

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I am going to my home, On the way home,i am thinking of Kai  that before  he was good with me , But from the last week he was not even talking to me properly, i  did anything wrong? But I don't remember

Let's Go to his house to surprise him (excited )Come on, come on, (smile) if I did something wrong, I will forbid it, (smile)

Author pov.

She reached his house, and she was happy,(while smiling) she sneaked inside the house to surprise him ,But she  herself gets surprised and her smile droped When she realizes what is in front of her eyes her eyes are filled with tears ,she saw his bf and his step sister kissing each other on living room ,she  was  shocked,  But just then her step sister saw  her

Anna: ( stop kissing) and (with  smirk) see Who has come to meet you?

Kai : ( looking at her) oh hi Yuri(smirk) , what are you doing here? Who allowed to come in my house hm?

You: what is happening here?(with creaked voice)

Kai : oh , sweetheart we were just having fun ,right baby (  looking at Anna )

Anna: yes baby

You : can you do this to me ..ha, i loved you more than myself, but you,   i thought you love me but no , everything was ..Everything was a lie , how dump i am right (shout) (her tears are not stopping )

Kai : oh just shut the fuck up you bitch , i never loved you , you were just bet for me , ok, how can you think that i ever love you hm..and get lost from here , you just reined our moment.
Let's go baby to our bedroom

Anna : yes let's go , why are you westing your time on this bitch.

Kai : and yeah ,she is my real girlfriend

Anna: ( smirked) now get lost from here you bitch.

They left from there

Her legs give up and she  falls to her  knees

Author pov.

While crying..

You : WHY ...just why no one love me why everyone hate me this much, mom why you left me like this why ......😭😭😭😭😭

Author pov

She left from there while crying, she is crying her heartout. She  is  walking slowly  on the  road like a dead body
She don't know what to do now ,she thought she has a one person in her life who love her like she do but no , From now  everything is gone

Yuri reaches her home. Her eyes are red from crying But there is no hope in her eyes and no emotion on her face , because she is tired of all this stuff,but now she don't care anymore.

Because all her  hope is gone  ,now she wants to be emotionaless,and now she don't believe in love anymore .

In Yuri's house

SF: where have you been this late hm( drunk voice)?

You: it's non of your business

SF: oh so now you are talking Back to me,I think you forgot your Punishment, I guess I had to remind you,( picking  up a  hockey stick)

Yuri's step father start to beating her.

After sometime he stop beating her and goes to his room.

Yuri get up and goes from there ,her body is paining but she does' t care about it .Because this pain is nothing compared to the pain of her  heart



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