part 27

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Taehyung is getting more worried about you after some time he get a call from his man he quickly answered it.

Man: boss the location is xxxxx building

Taehyung: ok i want our man in that location right now and call BTS

Man: ok boss

After some time BTS also come in mansion

Namjoon: tae what you call us urgently (worried)

Taehyung: hyung Yuri is missing

Jimin: WHAT. ..........

Taehyung: look down)i don't know how but when I come back from office the door is locked and Yuri is nowhere,i tried to call her but she is not picking up the call

Jin: tae what if she is with her friends

Taehyung: no i tracked her number and it's in xxx building  ,  why she will go there

Namjoon: hmm i think someone kidnapped her

Jimin: tae I said you that Yuri will be in danger I warn you about it and why your guards is not hear where are they?

Taehyung: I give them holiday

Jin: and why

Taehyung: because I want to spend some time with her without any disturbance,i thought I will come early but .......

Namjoon: hm i think we should discuss it in our office (serious tune)

Taehyung (confused)why? We can also discuss here

Namjoon: yeah but our office is safe place for discussion

Taehyung: (in mind: why he wants to discuss in office)ok let's go

In office

Jimin: hyung why you said that it is safe place to make plans

Namjoon: because if someone kidnapped Yuri in his house then also someone put camera in his house that's why

Jin: yeah you are right

Taehyung: now let's make a plan first we have to know who kidnapped her

Jimin: yeah I will try to heack yuri's phone we can know that whom she called last lime.

Taehyung: yeah please do it fast

Namjoon: don't worry tae she will be fine (pat him)

Taehyung: how can I not worry hyung she is my every thing now if something happen her I will not forgive my self

After some time jimin come with yuri's phone details

Jimin: someone call her when she was in home

Namjoon: who?

Jimin: Hari ? Tae who is she?

Taehyung: Hari?yeah she is her best friend, she told me about her .

Jimin: hm i will call her and ask about yuri

Jimin call her and after some rings she pick up the call....

To be continued........


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