"I'll assist you with the ball," he said amiably.

"Really?" Astelle looked up in surprise.

Maintaining his smile, Kaizen continued, "Squabbling siblings over something so positive. I have an idea. Let's hold the late Duchess's ball at the imperial palace. That way, both of you needn't worry too much."

The siblings exchanged swift glances, taken aback by the unexpected proposal.

In a respectful tone, Fritz began, "Thank you, Your Majesty, but this is a cherished tradition within our family—"

"If it's merely a charity event, wouldn't a grander setting at the imperial palace be more fitting?" Kaizen interrupted, glancing back at Astelle. "Moreover, considering Theor's situation, it might be easier for you if it's held here."

"Your Majesty, I..." Astelle attempted to object, but Kaizen's attention swiftly turned to her.

His cold gaze left Astelle speechless. Yet, unexpectedly, Kaizen softened his glare into a gentle smile.

"You should attend. You can bring Theor along," Kaizen insisted, his gaze unyielding.

Astelle found herself unable to respond.

• 🍁 •

Upon Kaizen's return, Astelle dashed to the garden in haste. There, she encountered her grandfather, the Marquis of Carlenberg, strolling amidst the greenery.

"Do you know how to sneak out of the capital?" Astelle blurted out urgently.

The Marquis, taken aback, queried, "What are you talking about all of a sudden?"

Walking through the garden, the Marquis observed Astelle's pallor with surprise. It wasn't until she saw his reaction that Astelle realized her own trembling and the drained color from her face.

"Come with me," the Marquis offered, taking Astelle's hand and leading her towards the far end of the garden. Nestled there was a small gazebo.

Set amidst the estate's garden, the gazebo boasted intricate golden embellishments, typical of grand mansions. Its beauty rivaled that of other gazebos, but it held a peculiar feature absent in most gardens.

On one side, a continuous flow of water cascaded down, an incessant stream pouring from the eaves of the dome. It created an illusion as if the gazebo had a transparent wall.

Though it appeared enigmatic, it was merely a water supply intricately connected to the roof, designed to create this perpetual cascade. The Marquis guided Astelle to this unique spot.

Upon stepping into the gazebo, Astelle immediately grasped the purpose behind her grandfather's choice of this spot. The rush of water enveloped her senses, creating an auditory veil that drowned out all other sounds, ensuring their conversation remained unheard by outsiders.

"I think the emperor has noticed something," Astelle divulged as soon as they settled within the sanctuary of the gazebo.

The Marquis mirrored her shock. "What?"

"He visited not long ago," Astelle recalled the recent encounter with Kaizen. "He insisted I attend the event and bring Theor along too."

It wasn't the words that unnerved her; it was the piercing intensity of his gaze—those fierce, predatory red eyes fixated on her like she was prey.

Astelle, barely composed, attempted to inquire of Kaizen, "Your Majesty, why Theor..."

Cutting her off, Kaizen responded icily, "Don't you understand what that implies?"

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