36: The Usual

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Soon enough, they were approaching the landing zone and an airfield came in place. "Are these the structures the native lifeforms make?" Shockwave asked.

"Hmm? Yes, it's a military air base." Optimus clarified as Shockwave landed on the designated spot.

"Great, are we allowed out?" He asked and Optimus nodded, all to eager to get some space between him and Megatron.

They managed to get out without rubbing shoulders and were met by agent Fowler.

"Prime-" He started, watching Megatron.

"Wrong one Agent Fowler." Optimus said as Megatron sneered.

"Oh good grief- When are you leaving? Soundwave said the ship would stay." He asked as Optimus requested a ground bridge.

The portal opened up a few meters off. "Now." Optimus said and they all wandered through, leaving Fowler significantly more relaxed.

Once they were through, Soundwave actually let out some giggles. Ratchet cast him a confused glance before spotting the new arrival.

"Oh, no Empurata." He observed.

"Ahh..." Shockwave started, probably thinking Ratchet was specialized in the practice.

"You underwent Empurata in our dimension." Ratchet clarified.

"Where you the one to preform it?" Shockwave started but got a scoff in return.

"I'm a medic, no. It was the functionists." Ratchet rolled his optics and got back to work, Shockwave seemed curious.

"Shockwave, it's good to see you again." Megatronus said as he wondered up to them.

"Likewise-" He started but then the small Predacon managed to plaster itself onto Megatronus' faceplate.

"Hmm." He let out, he seemed hesitant to move.

"Oh let me-" Soundwave started and tore him away from his faceplate.

"Ow." Megatronus let out as the claws stayed attached.

"Oh stop that you-" Soundwave started, and surprisingly the thing listened. "Yes, you like that don't you?" He almost giggled as he petted the potentially dangerous creature.


"Perhaps I should brief you?" Megatronus suggested and Shockwave agreed, they were at a monitor within seconds.

Optimus barely registered Megatron was beside him, he took a side step away from him.

"Oh really?" Megatron started, offended.

"What? I can't image you wanting to stand so close to me either!" He defended himself.

Megatron just scoffed and walked away dejectedly, leaving Optimus feeling guilty. The guilt was short lived as his audials picked up skidding sounds, he barely managed to get out of the way as Knockout zoomed in.

"I win! Again!" He said.

"I don't understand how you still get excited about winning." Breakdown started, "Or why."

"Oh shush you, you do great for your build!" He encouraged.

"Hey is that Shockwave?" Breakdown asked.

"You'll finally beat someone in a race hah?" Knockout said and elbowed him playfully.

"A boring vehicle ain't hard to beat-"

"It's not that boring-"

"No, boring- like boring holes into the ground, I think it's for sample testing." Breakdown explained.

"The hell is that?" Knockout almost shrieked as he noticed the Predacon.

"Science experiment, came with Shockwave. Where are the kids?" Soundwave asked, just sounding curious.

"They decided they'd do a sleepover at Jack's place instead, June isn't too pleased with them coming over with the other guy in the base." Knockout explained as Starscream came through the elevator with Dreadwing. "Did you record-"

"Yea yea, it's a bit grainy as it's getting dark. I'll send you a download." Starscream said and yawned before doing a double take and noticing Shockwave, they both wondered over. Dreadwing followed, however his attention was divided.

"What is that?" He asked, glaring at the winged cat.

"Eh?" Starscream asked and followed his gaze, "Laserbeak's new playmate I suppose." He shrugged and then jumped out of the way as fire was aimed in his direction.

"Bad!" Both Soundwave and Shockwave yelled, leaving the Predacon to let out a pitiful whine.

Optimus had a look at his internal clock. Well that was a long day. "It's 8." He muttered to himself, and for a completely unrelated reason he glanced over at Ratchet. They made optic contact.

"No!" Ratchet basically shrieked.

"No what?" Optimus asked, a little confused.

"It's not late at all!" Ratchet protested.

"Yes, it's not." Optimus agreed and Ratchet did a double take, then got back to work, letting out a pleased hum.



3 hours later however, it was getting late, and after a quick call with their autobots at base, Optimus saw no need to delay their recharge any longer. Megatronus was there with Optimus, both glaring holes into their respective mechs helms.

Shockwave was there too, as he'd be recharging on the medbay berth untill they got one sorted for him, he was a little confused as to why they were staring at the backs of their respective mechs helms.

"It's 11 now." Megatronus said, he had been counting down the minutes.

"Yes, getting late." Optimus added, emphasizing the word 'late.'

Ratchet looked at him, debating his options. "Fine." He said and put down his tools.

"Wait really?" Optimus asked, taken by surprise.

"Lucky." Megatronus muttered under his breath.

"Yes really." Ratchet said and began heading for the hallways.

Optimus followed, "Really? Just like that? No fuss?"

"Don't push it." He grumbled as they entered the berthroom.

"Just surprised is all." Optimus muttered.

"Not much to do other than wait on the others at base." Ratchet said and started to power down. "Night."

"Goodnight." Optimus answered back before falling into recharge.



Optimus woke up a little early, rolling his shoulders slightly before his audials registered a slight 'clunk' from Ratchets direction. A 'little early' being at around 1am. He turned his helm to face the still sleeping Ratchet who had his datapad on his chassis. Odd, that's not how he fell into recharge.

Optimus got up, deciding he wasn't going to fall into recharge soon, like many times before, and headed out for a short walk. It wasn't until he was at the other end of the base he heard pede steps.

He peaked into a dark room, that happened to be the sparring room, and found a Megatron sized figure pacing. Optimus stared for a while, trying to figure out which one it was based on the optics.

"Keep staring will you." Megatron snorted, apparently Optimus hadn't been as sneaky as he thought.

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