17: Evil Optimus

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Optimus found himself a rock for cover fairly fast. The rock was a little small but it will do. Where's the cover fire Dreadwing promised? Why was he putting his trust in a Decepticon? Argh, it was time to take matters into his own servos-

He started shooting, hitting a few vehicons before narrowly dodging a blast aimed for his optic. Jeepers! He ducked back behind the rock quickly.

We he came back out to start shooting, Evil Optimus was right on top of him. Hmpf! Fine! He threw a punch that hit and was surprised reality hadn't collapsed. He threw a few more punches that hit but flicked out his blades to throw his opponent of his pattern.

Evil Optimus was slow. Either that or he wasn't expecting a fight. Cocky bugger was he? Yup. He didn't even bother to get some distance when he transformed into his alt mode, a tank.

Ohhh! He was going to try and shoot him. Optimus just jumped on top of him. Try shooting now! He got some punches in before Evil Optimus started to transform. So he just stuck a thick log (which he picked of the ground) between his plating that jammed his transformation sequence.

"Argh!" It did sound painful and certainly looked the part too.

Optimus bought himself some time so let himself have a look around. Oh! Look at that, Dreadwing made himself useful! No more Vehicons left! Just a funky Optimus with a large log piercing his shoulder down to his gut.

He's probably been in better shape. Optimus thought.

Dreadwing wondered over with a slight limp, "What do we do with him?" He asked.

Kill him? No, that's immoral. Leave him? But then their war would go on. "Lets take care of the energon first." Optimus said.

"Blow it up?" Dreadwing asked as Optimus broke of a piece of energon. It gave him weird vibes. So he licked it. It was bitter, he gaged.

"Emph!" Evil Optimus started, his jaw dislocated thanks to his transformation lock.

"Tastes bad." Optimus noted, lit up the piece and threw it at the rest-

"Not when we're so close!" Dreadwing started.

Has he ever heard of driving quickly with dramatic explosions exploding behind them? No, he probably doesn't have a dramatic flare.

But yes, he was right, they were too close. The explosion sent them flying into the trees and they knocked a few over. He landed next to Dreadwing, slightly dazed. "You aren't to bright are you?" He grumbled.

"No, this paint job is rather dull." Optimus noted as he stood up, sure enough, all the energon was gone. Seemed like a waste. "Perhaps we sould leave?" He suggested.

"Where's Optimus?" Dreadwing asked.


"Evil Optimus." He clarified.

Optimus looked around, "I am guessing, under that pile of logs?" Optimus suggested.

Dreadwing watched the logs for a bit, "No harm in leaving him." He said and called for a bridge.

"He's a bit cocky." Optimus mumbled.


"Never mind." He said as they walked through the ground bridge.

Soundwave was ready to ask questions, "Well what happened?"

"Hm?" A sleepy Megatron looked up.

"He blew up a mine." Dreadwing said.

Soundwave blinked, "Why would you do that?" He shrieked.

"It was a blue energon mine." Optimus said.

"Oh." He grumbled.

"Ratchet's in a cell." Megatron started.

"What, why?"

"Assault." Soundwave said and gestured to the messy weld mark across Megatron's chassis.

"Ah." Optimus started.

"He kicked me too." Megatron added.

"Oh no, do you need ice on it?" Soundwave teased as Dreadwing slithered off.

"Erk!" Came from the hall way and Ratchet scrambled out.

"Are all mechs from your dimension good at escaping-" Soundwave started as Ratchet glared and retreated to Optimus. He cast him a glance in question.

"He deserved it." Ratchet grumbled.

"How did you get out?" Soundwave asked, appealed.

"Sloppy engineering." Ratchet grumbled, "I don't even see how you can call yourself a medic with that level of experiance-"

"Have you refilled recently?" Optimus asked him, "Perhaps we should get a cube?" He suggested before he ended up back in the cell.

"Fine." Ratchet grumbled.

Then Megatron got up, "I'll-" He started.

Ratchet cut him off with a word Optimus didn't care to repeat and Megatron decided to back off.

"If that fragger-" Ratchet started as they walked through the halls.

"Language." Optimus started.


"Why did you?" Optimus started.

"He was making comments." Ratchet started, more cryptic than Optimus would have liked.

"He was teasing you?" Optimus asked.

"What? No. Just, don't worry about it." Ratchet grumbled as they got a cube. He glared at it.


"It's purple. I didn't care before, or on the Nemesis, they starved me but-"

"I've been drinking it the whole time, I feel fine." Optimus started, "And the colour of my energon is still blue." He added.

"Well, yes, it has the same properties as our energon, but our filtration systems filter it, making it blue." Ratchet said.

Optimus blinked.

"Like humans, they drink clear fluid, yet the waste product is yellow and their blood red." Ratchet tried to explain, on simpler terms. "Do you think high grade will taste-"

"I don't think you should take any of that." Optimus noted and started drinking.

"Hmpf, when are you changing your paint back?" He asked.

"When Knockout gets back. Hopefully." Optimus said. "Now, you are to cooperate-"


"There are two of us, and-" Optimus paused and counted his digits.

""Six." Ratchet helped out.

"Six of them, we're outnumbered-"

"One to three."

Optimus shot him a glare, "Do not finish my sentences." Ratchet rolled his optics, "So our best course of action would be to-"

"Cooperate-" Ratchet finished.

Optimus splashed the remainder of his energon at him, which was not much, but significant.

Ratchet gave off an angry splutter

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