10: A bee

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Starscream came through first, looking a little fowl. He might not be second in command much longer. He kind off played the role Arcee took in Optimus' dimension. Next followed Breakdown, carrying a over dramatic Knockout. Then followed the other two. Optimus was surprised to find that Dreadwing sported the same colours.

"Such an entrance was not intended sir." He started, addressing Megatron.

"Well, it's not like our presence in a secret on this planet." He said as he guided Dreadwing over to the medbay.

Optimus went unnoticed, thanks to the shadows. Although, he may be able to blend into the shadows more if he were purple. But that would look creepy! It didn't even matter what his colours were! He was creepy for these mechs either way!

"Things are a bit complicated." He faintly heard Megatron say.


"About as complicated as a good Optimus prime from another universe, stuck here." Starscream helped out.

Then it was silent, Dreadwing seemed to be soaking up the confusion. "I see?" He suggested.

"Matter for another time." Soundwave muttered, "How did you get here?"

Dreadwing went on to explain how he had been attacked by Wheeljack and his pal, disposed of one and fled in a random direction which happened to lead him to Earth.

"And what are these... Beings?"

"Humans- They may look squishy, but they're not." Knockout warned. "Sir." He added.

"What do you transform into!?" Miko asked, bounding up to him.

"A aerial base mode." Dreadwing said, slightly awkward.

"Well, your injuries aren't as extreme as I thought." Soundwave muttered, "Get off his ped- Just a little patch job." He added.

"Fine, he's boring anyway." Miko muttered, "Come on Breaky, lets go for a drive." Miko muttered as they walked out of the medbay, "Wanna come?" She asked Optimus.

"Um." He started, Dreadwing still hadn't noticed him, and he wanted to go for a drive, "Yes." He gave in and transformed quietly, trying to avoid detection.

They made it out safely, Breakdown rather quiet. Optimus scoffed at himself, he had already apologized!

"Lets do a race!" Miko started, shouting out the window.

Optimus waited, was she taking to him or Breakdown, or both? "Depends if the Prime feels like losing." Breakdown boasted.

He was probably right, fat trucks aren't meant to go fast.

But Miko- "Ready-set-go!" And they were off.

Now, Optimus wouldn't normally do this, it was illegal and stuff but... He allowed himself to go over the speed limit. By a little. Trucks can't stop fast you know, he would be a great awful hazard. Breakdown slowed down once they reached a slow down sign.

They were approaching a town. Optimus slowed down too and trailed behind them.

"Slow poke." Breakdown chuckled as he reeved his engine.


"Come on, cut him some slack." Miko started as they drove around, "Hey, do you have Mech in your dimension?" She asked.

"Yes." Optimus started.

"They stole Knockout's T-cog." Breakdown muttered sadly, "He got it back, but still." He added.

"They stole Bumblebee's T-cog." Optimus shared, "And built a copy of me." he added.

Miko snorted.

"He almost killed agent Fowler, and he got mad at me." Optimus argued.

Then Breakdown started to laugh. Optimus really wasn't fond of the memory, coming back to the base. All the bots looking at him. It was way to awkward.

Then he spotted a red Camaro, with angry black lines. He slowed down, "Bumblebee?" He asked Breakdown and he too shifted down a gear.

"Don't think he's seen us." He started, "If I didn't have Miko with me-"

"You'd break cover." Optimus started, "And risk the lives of some bystanders." He added as Bumblebee slowly approached, seemingly ignorant. Then he made some beeps and slowed down before giving a drawn out 'woop'.

"Prime?" He asked and transformed, sending some humans fleeing and blocking Op's path forward. So much for not breaking cover.

Breakdown, however, had already rammed his hammer into him- he must have let Miko out. Optimus transformed and looked around for her, she was standing in a doorway in a building at the side of the road- watching with wide eyes.

Then again, there were other humans stragglers which couldn't seem to get out of Bumblebee's ped space.

"You like that bot?" Breakdown shouted as he kicked Bee's gut, he was looking for a fight. This was so wrong. Finally Bumblebee was on the floor, but that wasn't enough for Breakdown. Optimus stepped forward to restrain him from doing unnecessary damage.

"What gives?" Breakdown shot at him. "Oh you'd like to join your pall?" He started, ready to shoot accusations.

"We need to leave before this gets out of hand." Optimus started and Bumblebee shook his helm- dazed. "At least lead him out of town."

Breakdown huffed and transformed, letting Miko in. Optimus cast a pitiful glance at Bee before he followed. Hopefully Bumblebee would leave it at that. He didn't.

At least they could lead him out of town, they made it onto a large, empty plain before they transformed again. Optimus stared menacingly as Breakdown made sure Miko was somewhat safe.

Bumblebee transformed and beeped, "Who the pit are you?!"

Optimus stood there, trying to decide if you should take five minutes of his time to explain a very complicated process. But then he would be giving the enemy information. But they also had something he needed to get back to his dimension, maybe it would be good to be nice.

Optimus settled for a "Ummm"

"Well?" Bee beeped beepily.

But Optimus wasn't great a lying- let alone making up lies on the spot. Maybe he should pretend to be a moderately confused evil Optimus?

"I'm thinking." Optimus started as Breakdown decided to leave, get Miko away.

"Well, anything for the first time is hard." Bee muttered.

Optimus blinked and Bee seemed to realize what he said, expecting a violent retaliation. Perhaps this young bot would be his best chance of getting the Dark matter thingy- although manipulation wasn't his cup of tea.

"Must be really hard." Bee added, swinging his arms impatiently.

"It's complicated." Optimus started.

"Eh heh?" Bee beeped as he kept his distance.

"Can I get back to you?" Optimus asked, or else his processor might overload.


"Don't tell anyone hm?" Optimus said, trying to sound somewhat threatening.

"Okay?" Bee said, now he was confused. He hesitantly turned an began to drive away.

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