Chapter no.32 Let's Make Some Money

Start from the beginning

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him, but it plummeted the next instant.

There he was, with another girl.

The girl's dress was vibrant, hugging her form with elegant lines and a high collar. It was adorned with intricate patterns, swirling designs that seemed to dance with each movement she made.

"No! I was too late!"

Hinata gasped, her heart sinking as a lump formed in her throat.

She watched in dismay as the girl drew a katana and ignited it with blue flames, the eerie light flickering in the surroundings. Confusion washed over Hinata as she struggled to understand what was happening.


Tenten gripped her katana, the blade shimmering with a mysterious blue fire. "When I hold this katana, I feel that flame," she said, her voice filled with a mix of nostalgia and awe.

"It's like the first time I entered my father's forge, the first time I heard metal being shaped. It's like the fire from the forge is part of me, like a missing limb."

Naruto, seemingly oblivious to the depth of her sentiment, skewered a piece of chashu—roasted pork—on the fiery blade.

"What are you doing?" Tenten asked, a frown forming on her face.

"I just want a little char on my chashu," he said casually.

"Do you think this is some kind of fire chakra manipulation?" she continued, her curiosity piqued as Naruto added another piece of pork to her katana.

"I don't know what that is," Naruto replied, his tone noncommittal.

Tenten sighed.

"Oh, yeah, you are an academy student."

"I actually have my own explanation," Naruto said, trying to sidestep her sarcasm.

"What?" Tenten asked, genuinely curious.

"Those are your martial spirit, the flames of a blacksmith," Naruto explained, watching as the flames on her katana flickered and died.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me," Tenten muttered under her breath.

Then, looking directly at Naruto, she asked, "Speaking of weird abilities, how are you able to wield the katana with such high skill? I'm sure most of Konoha is below you in Kenjutsu."

Naruto hesitated, taking a moment to pop the charred piece of chashu into his mouth. He chewed thoughtfully, buying time.

He couldn't share the truth about the system with anyone; it was too risky.

This system, this magic gaming window, had transformed his life into something akin to a video game, boosting his skills and knowledge beyond normal limits.

As he paused, a thought crossed his mind, making him inwardly cringe.

Even thinking about explaining the system sounded absurd.

If he told anyone, they'd likely think he was losing his grip on reality.

So, he decided to keep silent, the secret of the system locked away within him.

Naruto looked at Tenten, his expression teetering on the edge of a lie.

"Either tell the truth or stay quiet," she said firmly.

"I'd rather have that than a lie."

Naruto remained silent, acknowledging her request with a nod.

"Tell me whenever you're ready," Tenten said softly. "And remember, don't feel pressured. I'd rather earn your trust than have you feel forced to tell me."

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