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In the hazy realm between consciousness and dreams, I discovered myself floating in a mix of unpleasant sounds.
The faraway sounds of ambulance sirens echoed, mixing with the busy sounds of a crowded hospital. Nurses and doctors rushed around with quick steps, people cried quietly, and urgent commands filled the air, creating a strange background noise.

Lying on a stretcher, I sensed the swift motion as doctors and nurses guided me through the sterile hallways,the fluorescent lights flickering in a blurred dance overhead

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Lying on a stretcher, I sensed the swift motion as doctors and nurses guided me through the sterile hallways,the fluorescent lights flickering in a blurred dance overhead. Amidst the  chaos, a voice, strong and resolute, cut through the chaotic mix, urging me to resist the approaching darkness.

"Keep your eyes open, no matter what,"

A familiar voice, the echo of someone closest to my heart, gently pierced through my ear.

It softly spoke, like a rope keeping me steady amidst the confusing rush of feelings, urging me to stay awake as the hospital bustled around me.


Entering the operation theatre, I was met by the sight of the seasoned senior doctor, adorned in surgical attire. Seeking confirmation, he turned to his subordinates, his eyes scanning the faces as he inquired,

"Who do we have here?"

A young assistant, amidst the organized chaos, stepped forward and uttered,

"Maya Joshi, sir. She's the patient."

The senior doctor, his expression turning grave, swiftly donned his surgery attire. Witnessing me, unmistakably covered in blood, he barked orders to the team. Urgency gripped the room as he declared,

"We have to hurry.

She's lost too much blood. If we don't move swiftly, we might lose her." The weight of his words hung in the sterile air, setting the stage for a critical operation where time became an invaluable currency.

As the anesthesia started to envelop my senses, my half-conscious mind embarked on a journey down memory lane. In the haze, fragments of moments unfolded like flickering images before my eyes. It was as if the reel of my life played in reverse, each scene a snapshot of the moments that led me to this crucial point.

The laughter shared with friends, the echoes of conversations, and the subtle nuances of fleeting glances - all danced in the recesses of my consciousness. The journey that brought me here, to the operating table, played out in an unusual sequence, each frame holding a story of its own.

My mind lingered on those snapshots, a montage of experiences that shaped the narrative of my life. The boundaries between past and present blurred, and with the fading awareness, I surrendered to the embrace of unconsciousness, carried away by the tide of memories.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on the prologue.
What do you think about how it sets up the story?
I'm particularly curious about your theories on how the character ended up in her situation.

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