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After having lunch with her mom, Maya went to her room and turned on her phone. As the phone lit up, it started buzzing a lot, getting flooded with many social media notifications, messages, and missed calls from her friends. Among all the digital noise, she noticed a text message from the police department, telling her to come to the police station for procedures related to the metro incident. The message also included the address of the police station she needed to go to. Maya, taking in the sudden change in plans, began getting ready to visit the police station.

Maya hesitated for a moment, glancing at her buzzing phone. "Sorry, guys," she muttered to herself, typing a quick message to her friends. "I'll fill you in later, promise."

As she descended the stairs, she caught her mom in the kitchen.
"Heading out for a bit, Mom. Got something to take care of,"
Maya explained with a reassuring smile.

Her mom looked up from the cutting board, concern etching her features. "Everything okay, sweetheart?"

"Yeah. I'll be back in the evening," Maya assured, giving her mom a quick hug before grabbing her car keys.

Seated in her vibrant red car, Maya took a deep breath, starting the engine. The low hum of the car echoed her swirling thoughts as she navigated towards the police station.


Atharv's workplace, the police station, stood as one of the larger establishments in the area. It housed several higher-ranking officers, each overseeing different aspects of law enforcement. The station served as a hub where criminals were kept under close supervision, reflecting the gravity of the cases handled within its walls.

Atharv entered the bustling police station, his eyes scanning every inch of the room. Spotting a constable, he gestured for him to come closer.

"Why call me for this case? You know I'm not handling this. I've got more serious cases on my plate right now," Atharv remarked, a furrow forming on his forehead.

The constable, a hint of unease in his expression, replied, "I know, sir, and I'm really sorry. Mr. Dubay isn't here; he left for some urgent work and instructed not to disturb him unless it's very urgent."

Atharv, growing more intrigued, questioned,

"Where is he?"

"He was here a minute ago, sir. I think he stepped outside for a call," the constable explained.

"He's instructing me to release his boys as soon as possible. He's willing to pay any penalty charges and wants a mutual agreement signed," the constable added, his tone reflecting a mix of uncertainty and urgency.


As Maya stepped into the police station, her eyes quickly found Atharv seated at his desk, engrossed in paperwork. She approached him and leaned over his table to get his attention.

"Hey, officer, I'm here," Maya said with a small smile.

Atharv looked up, a hint of scolding in his tone.. "You're 20 minutes late," he remarked, motioning for her to take a seat.

As Maya settled into a chair, a familiar voice called out from the other side of the station. Intrigued, Maya and Atharv turned their heads to locate the source of the voice.

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