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After getting out of the shower, I turn on some music. I feel like I'm in a good mood, so I might as well make the most of it before having to go home tomorrow.

I set up my things on the bathroom counter again and start doing my makeup. I haven't picked an outfit yet, but I will after.

I do my base, then move onto eye makeup. I go for a shimmery, smokey eye. I quickly do my lips then make my way into the bedroom to chose an outfit.

I flick through all the options, deciding on something that I didn't think I was going to end up wearing. It's a royal blue sparkly dress, which I pair with some white, rinestone heels.

I put on the dress, and then start to do my hair. I curl it like usual, it's my favourite thing to do. I buckle up my heels and put on some jewlery. Lastly, I slip on my heels then I'm ready.

I walk out into the bedroom in my outfit. I go over to the desk, leaning over and grabbing my phone.

As I spin back round, Landon is stood in front of me, his eyes scanning my body. Finally, his eyes meet mine. "You look beautiful, Love." He speaks up, trailing his hand along my waist.

I look up at him, licking my lips. He inches closer, his eyes still on me.
He leans in, placing kisses on my neck and jaw, his hands wrapping around my waist.
"We should go." I speak up. He presses his lips against my skin once more before pulling away. He gives me one final look before backing up.

I turn away, walking towards the door. I hear him follow.


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After getting a cab there, we finally arrive at the party. Cora and I walk in first, heading straight for the drinks. We down a couple of shots together, and the back of my throat burns.

We leave the boys at the drinks, heading over to the dance floor. A new song blasts through the speakers and we fall further into the crowd.

I swing and move my body to the music, downing an uncountable amount of drinks. Only when I feel a tug on my arm, I leave the dance floor.

I bring my head up to see Landon. I grin at him as he stares down at me.
"What?" I laugh.
"You're drunk."
"Well duh?" I scoff.
What's his obsession with starting the obvious all the time?
"Too drunk." He continues.
"Party pooperrr!" I tease and he frowns.

I go to walk away, but trip on my own feet, proving his point. For fucks sake.
His arms come out to catch me as he chuckles.
"I think it's time we go, Love." He smirks.
"Whatever." I pout, brushing his arms off of me.
I manage two more steps before I'm on my ass.

We go over to Theo, who tells us that they're going to stay with Cora. She was more of a dancer than a drinker. Can't say the same for myself.

I stumble out of the bar, Landon watching with an amused smirk playing on his features.
When I almost trip again, his arm shoots out to catch me.

I finally make it to the cab, and back to the hotel. I stumble into our hotel room, collapsing on the bed. I hear a chuckle sound from Landon as he shuts the door behind him.

He moves to the kitchen, and starts reaching for the cabinet. But that's all I see before my eyes shut.

A few minutes later, he comes over, "Come on, Love." He speaks. I pull open my eyes to look at him, he has a glass of water in his hands. I hesitantly sit up, taking the water from his hands.  I down the glass, placing it back into his grip. He then replaces it with another, "Seriously?" I sigh.
"Drink up, Love." He smirks, and I do, downing the next glass.

"Good girl." He mumbles, and my eyes shoot up to his. I stare into his chocolate eyes. I lick my lips, edging closer, but he shakes his head.
"You're drunk, Love." He says.
"Am not." I protest.
"Really?" He smirks, "Walk in a straight line." I roll my eyes in defeat, knowing full well I wouldn't be able to without falling on my ass.

I groan as I flop back onto the bed, closing my eyes again. I feel his hands on my ankles as he starts undoing my heels. He slides one off, followed by the other.

He dumps a shirt on my head, "Put it on." He instructs, and like a little sheep, I do.
I slide the straps of my dress off of my shoulders while doing so. He tugs the skirt of my dress, pulling it off of my body and the shirt falls to my mid thigh.

He brings the covers up and over me, places a glass of water on the table beside the bed and wonders off into the bathroom.

I shift around until I find a comfortable position, and start to feel myself drift off.



When I next leave the bathroom, she's fast asleep, cuddled up under the blankets. I shut off all of the lights, and climb into the bed beside her.

I look at her for a moment, her body rising and falling with her chest and her hair surrounding her small frame. I see her lips part as she breathes and smile at the little lipstick smudge she has.

I look away as she rolls over in her sleep, her back now facing me. I take one last glance over at her before closing my eyes.

"Goodnight Love." I whisper.

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