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The car pulls up outside of the bar and we all make our way to the entrance. Jacob and Landon at either of my sides, Theo sticking close to Cora.

We get let into the bar and seperate, but always within someone else's sight.
We get into our places, starting to make small talk with the other customers.
All we have to do is figure out where this guy is.

Some man approaches me, taking me by suprise.
"Hey, pretty girl." He smiles. I look up at him, forcing a smile onto my face.
"You haven't happened to have seen Lorado, have you?" I ask, acting as if he's someone I know on a personal basis.
"Not sure." He shrugs, clearly assuming that him and I have something going on, so he backs off.

I walk a little bit further into the crowd, shortly another guy approaches.
"Well hello there." He grins at me. I repeat the process, giving a fake smile and battering my eyelids.
"Did you see where Lorado went?" I ask casually.
"Oh, uh yeah he's up there." He straightens up, gesturing over to the other side of the room.
"Thanks." I nod, and he turns away.

I give Landon a descrete signal, which he passes along to the others. I approach first, he's sat up there with only one other guy. This should be easier than I thought.

I keep a safe distance, out of his eye line.
"Cora, can you get that other guy out of there?" I turn to her.
"Ofcourse." She nods, making her way up the stairs.

I'm close enough to keep an eye on her, and hear everything that happens. I listen to her flirt with the other guy. After a minute or so, she manages to convince him to leave with her. We act normal as they pass us, but I catch sight of the smirk playing on his lips.

I nod to Theo and he trails behind, looking out for her. I make my way up, the boys taking my spot as an observer.

I get to the entrance, pushing the door closed, but not fully. His head flies up in my direction as he sets down his drink. I force out a smirk, approaching him while swaying my hips.

He adjusts the way he sits in the chair, continuing to stare at me. I feel uncomfortable for a moment, wanting to turn away and run off. But, my father is right. How many times can I mess things up?

I continue with the plan, distracting him while Landon and Jacob sneak into the room. He pulls me onto his lap, his greedy eyes roaming my body.

A few seconds after, Theo and Cora sneak in. I imagine she managed to slip away, keeping him busy with something else.

Theo closes the door and the guys' head snaps up. The door locks with a click as I jump away from his lap.

He instantly raises to his feet, realising what's happening. We won't have long. Someone will come up here sooner or later.

I take a small step back as the boys step forward.
Before I can even register the movement, they have him pinned down, about to start questioning him.

I zone out as they interrogate him. Losing my mind god knows where, but I snap out of it pretty quickly when I hear a grunt.

"Fucking slut." The man growls at me.
I keep my expression bare so that he knows he isn't getting to me.
Theo slams him further into the chair as Landon's fist meets his cheek in retaliation to his words.
"Watch your fucking mouth." Landon snaps at him as Theo tightens his grip again, furious expressions on both of their faces.

I watch Jacob approach, continuing to bombard the guy with questions. Some, he answers, some he spits insults at, earning him a punch.

Jacob asks him a final question, a sickening grin forms on his features. He spits out the blood lining his teeth as he chuckles.
"Fuck you." He rasps and Landon's fist slams into his face once again.

We try for a little longer, finally getting the exact answer that we needed. They slam him to the floor, leaving him bloodied and bruised.

We subtly leave the room, pushing our way through the crowd and into the exit.
Jacob makes a phone call as we pile into the car. We sit into our usual seats, Theo taking the wheel.

Landon sits with a furious expression still holding on his features. His gaze is straight forward, not a hint of emotion on his face.

A minute or two later, Jacob climbs into the car and Theo drives off.

The car ride isn't exactly quiet, but didn't end in a disco like usual.
"Everyone good?" Theo asks one more time. Everybody hums or nods in response.

We approach the hotel as the car comes to a stop. Landon swings open the car door, stepping out and walking off. I follow shortly behind, catching him up but not saying anything.

Even the elevator is silent as we go up to the third floor. He steps out of the elevator, still not saying a word.

What's wrong with him?

I hear our hotel door unlock and I trail inside. Landon walks into the bathroom, not shutting the door behind him.

I slide my heels off before making my way to the bathroom door frame. I stare at him for a minute as he takes out a first aid kit.

I slowly approach him as he looks up at me in the reflection of the mirror. "You okay?" I ask.
"Yeah." He says bluntly. I go closer, taking in his bloodied knuckles.

I watch as he runs them under the cold water, which washes red as the blood mixes with it.
He shuts off the water, dabbing them off with a cloth.

I hear him sigh as he brushes off the rest of the blood.

"Here, let me help." I speak up.

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