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We finally arrive at the base and step out of the car. I tuck my dagger into my shoe, deciding not to take a gun.
If everyone else is, then I shouldn't need one.

We head toward the entrance, Zak leading the way. We step inside, the leader sat at a table on the far end of the room coming into view. Countless men are stood along the hall, weapons at the ready.
Most of them are covered head to toe in tattoos, multiple ones that signify their mafia.

We approach the man at the desk, I keep eyes set ahead, ignoring the men closing in on us.

I stand beside Landon, who looks around at the men circling us. I can see a glare on his face, but the same look rests on all of the boys' features.

I glance to Cora, who's keeping close to Theo before giving my attention to the man who's sitting in front of us.

Zak speaks up, making the offer and explaining the conditions, etc.
The room remains silent for a second, despite the noise of the man tapping a blade on the desk.

He makes a debate, which completely ruins the entire concept of the deal.
I can already tell this is not going to go down well.

Yet I pray for the opposite, because I feel like if I make one move too fast, I'm going to die.

When Zak declines, the man raises to his feet, stepping in front of his desk.
"Olivia, I presume?" He mumbles, stopping in front of me. I nod at him, keeping my expression hard.

He tosses and turns the dagger in his hand, looking me in the eye.
I notice Landon step closer from the corner of my eye. I can't see his face because of our height difference, but I see his shoulder move closer.

I continue to stare down the guy, as he's doing to me. The room is completely silent, adding to the tension.

He edges closer to me, not breaking eye contact.
"What if I want her?" He grunts, still not looking away.
I feel Zak and Landon tense beside me, but keep my sight set on the guy.
"She's not an option." Landon speaks up.
"Really?" The man argues.
"Really." Landon raises his voice.
The room falls back into silence for a minute and the knife stills in his grip.

"No deal, then." The guy rasps, making a sudden movement straight toward me. Within seconds, Landon's body is in front of mine, and whatever was meant for me, hits Landon.

The whole room flies into action as fights break out. I slip my dagger from my ankle just in time as someone comes for me.

I manage to fight them off before they take a hit on me. A few gunshots sound and more men fly toward me, one gets a hit to my stomach, but I manage to plunge the dagger into his chest.

A few gunshots later, everybody freezes as the leader calls the fight off.
The men back off and my boys put the weapons back to their side.

I look over to Cora, who seems to be okay and protected by Theo. I glance over at everyone else, covered in blood and marks.

Zak and the leader make their peace, but I don't listen. My eyes search the room, taking in every body, dead or alive.

Nobody speaks a word as we make our way out of the base, Landon and Zak stuck to either of my sides.
I look up at Landon's bloodied face and a lump bubbles in my throat.

Jacob climbs into the back first.
"Are you okay?" Landon places a hand on my shoulder and I turn around to see him.
"I'm good. Are you?" I reply, clearly he's not. But he knows what I mean.
"I'm fine, Love." He replies.

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