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I wake up, finding myself in Landon's arms.
It seems quite early, so I lay there for a little longer. My mind wonders what stupid shit we're going to have to do today. The fact we lost our deal probably changes a lot. My father considered it already done before we even left.

Part of me can't believe my father would've just traded me in for such a minor change.
But, deep down I'm not really suprised, yet I feel hurt.

It's normal for people like him to just sell their daughters off. I know he hates me, it's a fact.
But I thought he would've cared a little more than that. Even just giving it a thought, rather than just giving me away like I'm an old piece of furniture.
He brung me into this world, yet he could lose me any day without a care.

I finally decide that I have to get up, and reluctantly shift out of Landon's arms. I'm supposed to hate him, for what he did, but right now I can't help but feel the complete opposite.

I tell myself that I hate him.
That he left me.
But I don't believe my own self.
Any bad though gets crossed out within seconds of being around him.
Even when he's acting like a dick.

I couldn't hate him for trying to save his family, either. I understand why he did it.
But it hurts just the same.

I climb out of the bed and hear Landon shuffle around behind my back. I glance over to my shoulder to see if he's awake, which he is.
He pulls his eyes open and squints at me.
"Morning, sunshine." I smirk.
He mumbles something and rolls over.

I turn on my phone as I walk into the bathroom. I go into the group chat to see what we have to do today.

Great, just go to a bar and hold a certain member captive without any of the hundreds of people in the bar noticing the absence of one of their leaders.
Piece of cake.

I chuck my phone back on to the bed before pushing the bathroom door shut. I look into the mirror, seeing that the bruise on my jaw is starting to fade now. I pull my hair up and a few small bruises on my neck catches my eye.

Shit. How did I not notice them? It's from my father the other night.
Thank fuck nobody noticed them.
I can't keep making excuses for random bruises appearing on my body.

When I was younger, it was easier. He would hurt me, but wouldn't leave marks like these.
Now, he doesn't give two shits. I believe he could kill me and not even blink. Some father he is.

I clean myself up before walking back into the bedroom. Landon's now on his phone, but still lying in bed. "You seen the chat?" I ask as I walk in.
"Yeah." He sighs, pushing to his feet and walking toward me.

His lips part as if he's about to speak, but he just passes me and walks into the bathroom. Weird.

I kneel down beside my suitcase, rummaging for an outfit. While I'm at it, I start chucking things into drawers and the wardrobe.

After emptying half the case, I finally chose an outfit. It's a bar, so we won't be going until later tonight. I put my bar outfit to the side, picking out an outfit for until then.

I pull on a black, sleeved top with black joggers. I don't bother with my hair and just leave the waves hanging at my waist.

Just as I pull my top over my head, Landon leaves the bathroom. I look over at him, he's only got a towel hanging at his waist. I drag my eyes away from him, continuing with what I was doing.

I'm not looking at him, but I can see the smirk on his lips. I stand up straight, closing up my suitcase and kicking it under the bed.
"I'm gonna go see Cora. Theo said Jacob's going down to play video games and that you should go too." I say.
"Okay, Love." He replies, pulling a shirt over his head as I turn around.

Before I get too distracted by him, I force myself out of the door and down the hall.



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I swing the door of Cora's room open. Theo and Jacob are sat on the sofa's playing a game.
"Hey." I smile as I walk in.
Both of them look my way, "Hey." They reply in sync and I let out a laugh.

"Cora's in here?" I ask.
"Yeah." Theo turns his head away from the screen. "You look gorgeous, Liv!" He shouts as I walk into the room.
Typical Theo and his charm.

"Hey bae." Cora calls out as I walk in, pushing the door shut with my foot. I don't reply, just collapse onto the bed beside her.

As if she read my mind, The Vampire Diaries is up and ready to play on the TV. I blow her a kiss as I lean my head against the board so that I can see the screen.

We spend a few hours fantasising about the Salvatore brothers, like always. I pull up my phone to check it, and realise the time.
"Ugh. I should go get ready." I groan, pulling myself out of her bed.
"Me too." She pouts. I roll off, and push to my feet when I reach the door.

I walk out, the boys' heads turning my way.
"Going to get ready." I say bluntly as I leave the room.

A few minutes later, Landon walks into our room.
I grab my makeup bag and head into the bathroom to use the big mirror. I pile my stuff onto the counter.

I lock the door and turn on the hot water.
I notice that the cut on my stomach hasn't healed as much as I would've thought, but it's getting better. I strip off the rest of my clothes and step under the water.

After washing over myself, I step out and into the bedroom to get my outfit. I bring it back into the bathroom, laying it on the counter beside my things.

I have to do my makeup before putting it on, so I'll just have to do it in my towel. I start applying makeup to my face, deciding on a simple style of eye makeup for the night.

I finish my makeup, pulling on my outfit before starting my hair. I chose something I don't normally go for.
A simple dress, thigh high boots and a jacket.
I curl my hair into tight ringlets, not brushing them out. I coat them in hair spray before stepping into the bedroom.

Landon's eyes flick up when I walk back into the room. His eyes scan my body, but don't go straight back to his phone like normal. His lips part as if he was about to speak, but he remains silent.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Yeah." He replies, getting out of bed.

I head toward the door and feel his presence close behind me. I turn round to face him, his gaze hot on mine. I glide my tongue across my lips and his gaze falls to them.

His body moves closer to mine, I hold the gaze for a few more seconds before turning around and swinging open the door.



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