
(So I know I am mix and matching the events of the bombing of 13 and victor rescue but I realized it now so we are going with it!)

Not sooner then Peeta had said the bombing would happen, it did.

The sirens loud and bellowing through the place.

Bera basically dragging Cecelia after her and V running behind them down the spiral staircase.

Savior complex, Bera was always fighting to save people, and it was not going to stop her now.

"STOP!!" She grabbed Katniss out of the air almost, she was moving so fast. "What are you doing?!"

"She's not here!! I need to get her!!" Katniss shoved in Gale's arms as Bera let her go. 

Yeah, savior complex.

"Grab her and take her inside the vault!!" There was no way she wouldn't run back up for anyone after having failed to reach anyone in 8.

"Wait!!" Gale called, reaching a hand out as she grabbed the railing and jumped over the side to not be blocked back the masses.

"I am less important then the mockingjay!!" Was her only reasoning and not her deep guilt and need to save someone else.

And damn... She didn't have a damned idea who she was looking for and at which level but Bera would not leave them behind.

Shoving passed people, mind going at the speed of a raise horse.

"Primer!!" Having no idea what the sister's name was, not having heard it in a while but only she was someone Katniss would run out to get. "Where are you?!"

Scaling the now empty staircase, looking frantically at each level.

Luck seemed to have pity on her.

"What are you doing up here?!" Screaming at the child hunched over and reaching under the bed, Bera seeing straight into the room from the stairs or she would have passed her.

"Let go!! I can't leave him!!"

But she didn't listen, throwing Primer-or-what's-her-name towards the door, looking under the bed at the stupid cat so scared it didn't want to come out.

"MOVE IT!!" She ordered the cat, grabbing the side of the head and neck in a firm grip, having a longer reach then the girl and since there was no carpet but slide-y material, the cat was yoinked from under the bed, uncomfortable yes but out.

Running out before the cat could put more claws in her arm and she literally dropped him over the railing and let him fall down to the bunker. It wouldn't lacerate her arm more and it would run towards what it sees at the exit aka the bunker doors.

"BUTTERCUP!!" The girl was yanked as she screamed.

"He'll be fine!! Cats can survive bigger falls then this!!" (Cats have a better chance of surviving a 10~ story drop then a 1 story drop... And Bera is in a hurry.) Bera reassured, yanking the girl down the stairs, almost slipping down the metal of it with the flashing lights being worse going down then climbing up.

And of course people didn't listen to her, running into Katniss half ways down.

"OH YOU LITTLE FUCK!!!" Pushing both girls in front of each other, luck ran out it seemed.

And even went into the negatives as stepping on the last of the steps, she saw a mass under them, nope this cat is stupid, so scared it hid again.

Stumbling, hitting her ribs into the railing and grab the cat by its tail to yank it up, other hand under his tummy before throwing him at the closing door, the cat bouncing in on his little agile legs to not fall over as Bera did the tree: Lost her supports and went down with a loud crack against the ground.

It was Gale grabbing her leg and yanking on it that saved her head from being crushed by the door locking.

"A cat Prim?! You went back for him?!" Katniss rightfully was angry as Prim since it almost cost so many lived.

"I couldn't leave him behind!!" She said, cradling the cat with roughed up fur and probably a sore tail from Bera's action.

Bera groaned, rubbing her face with her hands.

Valerius was right, her need to save others and fight was what was going to get her killed...

But if that means Snow dies? So be it.

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