Chapter 21: A New Chapter

Start from the beginning

"There is only you and me now." Morgan said her voice filled with confidence.

Due to Fate knocking her down while she was forming the contract, it turned to 10/90 by accident instead of 100/0 as Morgan intended. Although the contract is 10/90, Morgan set to transfer all of the Magic Energy that Fate gathered toward her instead, blocking him from regaining his magic without her permission. 

"The hell do you mean by that!?" Fate said glaring down at Morgan, tightening his grip on her and making the Fairy Queen glare at him, still having a smirk on her face.

"Our souls are bound to one and nother now, any intension to break the contract wouldn't work." Morgan said with confidence, she knew when the contract was set to 10/90 she had to act quickly to salvage any authority she could get. 

As the two struggle on the ground, Class Cards fall out from Morgan's dress, and the two magus turn their attention toward the four cards. Two casters, one berserker, and one lancer. Fate froze on the spot sensing the power coming from those cards as he pushed Morgan aside going to grab the cards.

"Igneel... Raven... Yubel... Mother." Fate uttered in horror finding his companion turned into Class Cards. His gaze narrowed back to Morgan who was getting up, as their blue eyes met. Something within him snapped, a familiar feeling washed over him, the feeling of grief and hatred.


His body glows now wearing a skin-tight dark purple suit, with a metal shoulder guard on each shoulder, and a long purple scarf on his neck. Gae Bolg on his right hand. His grip on the spear tightens and its rune flares up letting its demonic energy go wild.

"I just want him to learn to have more faith in others, I don't want him to be alone forever." Scathach told Senji, her memory flashed in his mind as he gained the memory of the spirit within the card he installed. "I'm making a present for his birthday, Nobbu. Yeah my boy is about to be 17, I'm sure he would love a handmade gift from his mother." Scathach said to Nobbu as she was knitting a purple scarf. "Why won't you learn!? Do I have to knock some sense into you every time you do something stupid!?" Scathach yells at Fate after kicking his ass for drinking holy water and almost got himself killed.

Gae Bolg Alternative!

Fate throws the red spear at Morgan but it doesn't kill her, it only phases through her not even leaving a scratch on her. This just caused Morgan's smirk to grow even wider, with her hand on her hips looking at him with a victory smirk. "Face it, your ability to use magic is limited and monitored by me now. And there is nothing you could do unless you submit to me." Morgan said her voice filled with confidence.

His clothes changed back as he uninstalled his class card. "Start!" Fate yells out as his screen shows up.

Name: Fate Redgrave
Gender: Male
Story Point: 371690
Points: 10

Soul-Link: Morgan Le Fay


He moves down to his skill [Data Soul] seeing its info.

[Data Soul] - "Fate Redgrave" can create a copy of one soul and store it within a Class Card. The cards possess all the memory, knowledge, and experience of the copied soul. He can only create Class Cards of those whom he has some kind of connection or resembles.

"The fuck!?" Fate yells seeing his skill completely changed. He just takes a demon wail to the face, after getting tortured, now he has to deal with Morgan's shenanigan making him lose all connection he has with his companion and she makes it so that he can only rely on her now if he doesn't want to weaken and lost all power.

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