21. Too much sweetness

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Freen's pov

"What do you mean we are not??" i asked. I was hurt. We are not Girlfriend. Fuck. Did I expect too much. Are we still not ok. Does that mean whatever we did now was just sex. My eyes were tearing and the tears escaped from my eyes.

"Hey, listen up. We are not Girlfriends again. " She said , that sentence broke my heart. Fuck

"As you said we never broke up, so we are not Girlfriends again . We were lovers from the start" she said and smiled

"Fuck you Rebecca" i said

"I will let you gladly" she said "but not now" she said

"You nearly gave me heart ache Becca " I sad and she chuckled

"I was just teasing you" she said and i hit her arms.

"I hate you" I said and pouted

"I love you too babe" she said

Fuck that one word melted my heart. I even forgot what we were discussing before. Cause the only thing that matters is that she still loves me and I can make up for what I did 2 years ago

"Love" i called her and she looked at me "I lov you baby so much. You mean the world to me" I said and smiled

"Me too love. You are my world and I won't promise that i won't hurt you or make you cry. I will hurt you and give you pleasure at the same time" she said "I missed you bunny" she said as she kissed my forehead

"I missed you too BB" I said and gave her a peck "I love you babe" i added

"But babe promise me that whatever happens we will talk everything. And we won't keep anything from eachother. I can't lose you again. Even if you see me with someone else don't assume anything just come to me and confront me. Okay kha" she asked

"I promise we will sort out everything. And I won't leave you ever again. If there's any misunderstanding we will talk. I promise kha" I said and gave her a passionate kiss.

"Let's sleep love" she said closed her eyes. I was looking at her for some minutes. She must be been tired by hardworking. I gave her forehead kiss and drifted to dream land

I woke up early and saw my love sleeping peacefully. She's beautiful as ever. I gave her a kiss on forehead and got up without waking her up. And I placed a pillow so she can hug that.

I went to bathroom and freshed up. I went to kitchen and saw no one. Literally no one was there.

I made some waffles for everyone and I drink some orange juice. As I was waiting I saw Nam and p'Mind coming from a room. I smirked looking at them. They blushed. They came to the dining table and sat on the opposite side.

"You made breakfast" Nam asked and i nodded

Then we heard some noises and saw Heng and Kate coming from a room and Noey' and Irin coming from another room. So everyone got laid yesterday.

I went back to my room to wake up Becky. When i opened the room i didn't see her the the bathroom door was opened. And i saw her coming. She was looking so good. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Look at me like that few more minutes and i won't let you leave the room for another 2 hour" she said

I gulped hearing that. She came near me kissed me. "I'm still mad at you" she said. Wait what, why is she mad at me.

"What, why are you and at me" I asked

"Think" with that she left

I followed her to the kitchen. She went to frige and grabbed some orange juice and went to dining table.

"Good morning Becca" p'Mind said and smiled

"Well, morning to you tooo" she said. I sat beside her and she looked at me.

"Why is she so grumpy in the morning" Irin asked me and i shrugged

"Becky, are you ok" I ask worriedly she didn't look at. I forced her to look at me "tell me Love" i asked and let out a heavy sigh

"Look at them,  everyone had a 'Good morning' and I have to wake up alone hugging a pillow instead of my girlfriend " she said and pouted. Wait, what. I want to laugh so hard she's so cute. This girl will be the death of me.

"Ohooooo, someone is whining early in the morning " Noey teased her

"Why wouldn't i, you all got laid and woke up by kissing your girlfriend and me" she said and scoffed

I laughed "stop whining babe" I said and kissed her pout "I'm sorry na, I just wanted to make you some breakfast, i know you will be hungry and I made your favourite waffles" I said and she smiled

"I'll let this slide cause you made me breakfast. Don't repeat this actions" she said and gave me a kiss.

"Hello, there are also some humans here beside you guys. Can you see" Noey said teasingly. They all laughed

"I've never saw a pouting Becca" Kate said

"Cause Freen wasn't there" Irin said playfully

"Okay okay stop and eat" I said

I fed my baby waffles. "I think the ants will roam around here. It's too much sweetness" Nam said

"Don't be jealous, you can feed your p'Mind or P'Mind can feed you too" I said smirked

"What" Nam said and everyone looked towards them

"Don't try to deny it, your face is glowing and p'Mind and you came out of your room. And I saw the way you walk it was funny" I said and laughed

"Wow Nam, you didn't tell us" Kate said in a shocked face

"Oh so everyone got laid yesterday" Becky asked and i nodded

They stopped teasing us after they understood that we will tease them more.

"So you guys are Girlfriends now" Noey asked

"Yes we are" Becky said and gave me a kiss while chewing her food

"Chew your food first BB" i said and she nodded and everyone laughed

"Only you can tame this Becky, If we say something like this we would end up in an funny argument " Irin said

"Well your name is not Freen Sarocha Chankimha " Becky and and showed her tongue

"Babe" i warned her

"Ok, ok I'll stop" she said and winked at me.

The breakfast was kind of fun. We all talked and laughed. We left the place at noon after eating lunch. And we reached Noey's place before 7 and we  all head back to our own places cause we were so tired and we have class in the morning.

ps: I still love you ♡Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя