16. Sleepy heads

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Freen's pov

I woke up and saw an unfamiliar place. And I was feeling someone above me. And that was Becky. She was sleeping like a kid snuggling on my neck. I missed this a lot. I was in my thoughts when I heard her voice

"It's not good to be staring at someone who is sleeping, Princess" she said and snuggled more onto my neck. My breath was getting heavier.

"Don't breath like that" she said "I can't sleep if you keep up like this" she added

"Then get up, I'm hungry I want eat" I said and pouted

"You and your tiny stomach" she said and chuckled and took her phone. "We have to go outside to eat. So get ready, the others are waiting for us" she Said and went to balcony.

I got up and got ready quickly. I wore a shots and her oversized white t-shirt. She gave me this when we became lovers. Actually I took it from her and she didn't ask. So it's literally mine.

She came back and now she was wearing a blue striped shirt and a black trousers. She looked at me and smiled. I think she remembers her t-shirt

"You still have this" she asked and i nodded "you know it's not good to take someone else's clothes " she asked playfully and i saw that little smirk on her face

"It's not someone else and it was given to me" I said as I rolled my eyes

"You know that's not true, you literally took that from my closet" she said and chuckled

"It's still mine" I said and protested

"Fine, fine let's go" she said and took my hand

We went outside to a restaurant to eat. Our friends were already there and ordered food for everyone.

"Look who blessed us with their presence" Noey said mockingly

"Don't start, we are hungry we can continue this after eating" Becky said and pulled a chair for me to sit. Some things never change Bec. You are still the caring one.

"Ohooooo, such a gentlewoman" Nam said and smirked

Me and Becky ignored them and started to eat. After some time they talked about some other things.

After eating we were standing outside near the beach.

"Becky....." Someone was shouting Becky's name and we all looked at the direction

"You came" she said and hugged Becky. Wtf why does everyone seems so touchy towards my Bec.

"What are you doing here" Becky said keeping a poker face. Well that was interesting

"Wow still fiesty huh! That's why I love you so much" she said . What the actual fuck

"Back off Nita" Beck said

"Chill, don't be too rude I'm sure we will end up in the same bed like we used to do" she said and winked and left the place

Becky's happy mood was already lost. I have so many questions. But she doesn't have to answer it and I'm not sure I'm in place to ask her.

"Beck you ok" Irin asked

"That fucking Nita" cursed Noey

"It's ok guys let's go" Becky said. She was looking at me and I don't wanna show any signs of jealousy , so i looked at the beach.

We sat there for i don't know how many hours. We watched sunset together. And it was getting dark so we decided to go inside and get ready for the party.

Me and Becky went into the room.

Becky's pov

After the Nita's incident. Freen seemed little off. when we got to our room I went near her.

"Everything ok Freen" I asked

"Yup, just feeling tired" she said

"You want to rest some more" i asked and she nodded. The party will start at 10 pm and it's only 7 pm so we still have time. I took my phone and set an alarm for 9:15 pm. And went to Freen

"Let's sleep for sometime, I'll wake you up at 9:15" I said and looked at her she seemed hesitating"it's ok I'm also tired and the party will start after 10 so we have plenty of time to rest" I said and went to bed dragging Freen with me

She let out a sigh "fine but don't forget to wake me up" she said and went to the other side of the bed

"Where are you going" I asked

"To sleep on that side, I know you are comfortable on the left side so I'll sleep on the right side" she said and moved

I pulled her towards me. "it's not the first time we are sleeping on the same side. So just sleep with me here" I said and made her sleep beside me.

She was tossing around a lot "come here" I said and opened my arms for her to snuggle.

At first she hesitated a little bit but she slept snuggling onto my neck. And i also slept beside her.

I woke up before my alarm starts to ring and i looked at my bunny (wait can i call her like that) who was sleeping close to me cuddling.

I find that cute. She's too cute now. I can't resist but to bite her nose. I thought she won't wake up because she was sleeping hard that time. But luck was not on my side she woke up and looked at me.

We were looking into each other's eyes intensely. Like no one wants to break the eye contact. I don't know why I started to lean my face towards her and she was doing the same. When we were so close our breath started to get heavy. We were about to close the gap when my alarm started to ring. And we got up awkwardly. she ran towards the bathroom.

What the fuck was I doing. I was the one who told her that we should be friends. And now I am the one who is trying to break the walls i build against hers. Am i ready to let you in bunny.

I heard a faint knock on my door and it was Nam and Kate. They asked me to go to Noey's room cause Irin was asking for me. I left for for Noey's room.

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now