8. Stay

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Becky's pov

I woke up and saw Freen sleeping peacefully.
She was always an angel. Gosh she'll be the death of me.

I didn't know why i sleep with her or I let her hug me. All I know was, i couldn't let her cry like this. It hurts me more than anything. But I'm not gonna let myself drown again.

I left the room and went to my company. Noey was the only one who was awake cause it was still early. I informed that I will be here with Breakfast so don't bother to cook. With that I left the condo.

Freen's pov

I woke up from the sleep and didn't saw Becky beside me. I felt sad.

I went outside after doing my morning routine. Everyone was sitting there at the sofa. I went near Nam and sat beside her.

"So what's up with you and Becky" Noey asked

"What? " Irin asked

"Oh you don't remember" Kate asked and Irin shook her head. "Well, last night Freen was dancing in the stage and some guys were hitting on her" said Kate

"Then Becky went there and dragged Freen from there, then when she said that we should leave. Freen was protesting then Becky said 'stop and let's go' Freen didn't protest anymore" Noey said and looked at me

"And Becky gave her a piggy back ride back home. And they slept in the same room yesterday " Nam added

Really are they evn my friends. They are literally teasing me.

"Wow, when did my cold friend become soft " Irin asked

"That's what I'm also thinking babe, she never let anyone touch her. And she never cared anyone except you and char." Noey said. Wait who's char.

"Yeah that's true" Kate added

"Enough of the discussion, I've bought some breakfast let's eat" Becky said. When did she reach here.

"Wow, mighty Becky at the Rescue huh? " Said Noey and smirked

"Whatever" Becky said and went to kitchen

We all went there and ate breakfast. Everyone was talking except me and Becky.

She was looking at her phone the all time and i was looking at her.

Suddenly she stood up. "I have to go guys, enjoy the food" Becky said

"Wait finish your food" irin said

"No, char needs me now" she said

"Ok, take care and don't skip lunch" irin said

"Ok mom" with that she gave a hug to Irin and left.

Who the fuck is char. I want to know badly.

"Who is char" Nam asked. Thank you Nam

"She's a senior. And they are close" with that irin stood up and went to living room.

After finishing breakfast me and Nam left to our condo.

Becky's pov

When I was having breakfast i got a text from char saying that she wants to talk. So I left immediately

At char's condo

I reached her apartment and went inside. I thought something bad happened. But she was smiling .ok that's a release

"So , what happened" I asked

"The date went well" she said and blushed

"I can see that" I teased her

"She asked me, if she can court me" she said

"And ?" I know the answer but I want to hear it from her

"I said yes" she said but this time her smile disappeared.

"What are you thinking" i asked

"There are lot of what if's" she said

"It's ok. Just follow your heart this time. P'fa is a good person. And if she does something bad I will beat her. I promise." I said and she smiled.

"So did you meet her again?' she asked. I sighed. And explained everything happened.

"Wow, she still have the same effect on you" she laughed

"Not funny char" i said and glared at her

" Well did she tell you the reason, why she did everything " she asked

"Nope" I said

"What will you do if she tells you" she asked

"I don't know. But I hope she has a good reason " I said

"Will you give her another chance if she has a valid reason " she asked

"I'm not sure. She hurted me a lot. If she wants me back. She has to do more effort than that char" i said and chuckled

We talked a lot after that ate together. I went back to company to finish my work.

ps: I still love you ♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang