13. Jealousy

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Becky's pov

The car ride with Freen was very awkward for me. I didn't expect her to see me like that. But I liked the way she was drooling over me. I'm glad that I still have the effects on her. We reached the party after 30 minutes of the car ride and none of us said anything to each other.

"We are here" I said to Freen. She was still on her thoughts. "Hey" I said and placed my hands on her hands. She looked at me and our hands and she blushed. Cute bunny

I cleared my throat, "we are here let's go" I said and went outside my car and opened the door for her. She Muttered a 'thank you' as she got off from my car

I recieved a text from Irin. "looks like they are already inside the party so shall we go" I said and looking at her

She smiled and said "Let's go" and she interwined our hands. It's her habit whenever we were walking together. And I still feel the electricity like the first day we interwined our hands. I smiled at her and we went inside.

We got inside and loud music was blasting. I saw char and p'fa flirting with each other. Noey and Irin making out in the corner and Kate and Nam drinking at the sofa side.

Freen went near Nam and I went to char to say hello

"Look at the love birds" i said and smirked. Char and p'fa were blushing hard

"Nong, when did you reach here" char asked

"Just now" I said and took a drink

We were talking about a lot of things. Irin and Noey joined us. We teased char a lot.

"Bec, is that Freen? " Char asked and I looked at where she was looking. And I saw her flirting with someone.

"Yeah it's her phi, Sarocha still have this effect on everyone" Noey said and Irin glared at her. "Babe she's my cousin and I have seen her from childhood. She always got lot of admirers" Noey said

"Whatever" i mumbled and drink some more shots. I saw them flirting with each other and touching each other. Fuck.... Why am I feeling like this. I don't have any feelings for her. And I was the one who said I will be a friend to her. So I should be feeling happy that she is moving on from me right.

Freen's pov

As I was making my way to Nam. I saw a familiar figure. Song...... Fuck it was song

"Hey buddy" I said as i hugged her

"Fuck, it's really you Freen. God i missed you it's been a year since we saw each other. How are you" she asked

"I'm good, sorry i couldn't keep contact with you" i said

"It's ok , how are you. Last time I saw you, you were broken as hell. Now I can see some genuine smiles" she said in a teasing way

"Oh shut up it's not like that, i just saw my BB and we talked" I said

"Really, I'm so happy for you. So are you guys back to being lovers" she asked excitedly

"No, she said she needs time to digest whatever I said and she's not sure that we can be in a relationship again. But she offered me friendship" I said and smiled weakly

"It's ok, you can win her heart again" song said

"Yeah i will but I need to give her some time to be ok with my presence then I'll make my move" I said

"Girl you are crazy over her " she said and chuckled

"What can I do i love her that much" I said. "Where is ice" i asked her. Ice is song's girlfriend. Yes the same ice who helped me see Becky. They were already a couple and was in a long term relationship for 2 years. Song came back after she finished high school to be with ice.

"She's here. She saw some of her friends and went to greet them" she said. She must be meeting Becky and Irin

We talked a lot and went to get another drink. When I was walking to get a drink i saw Becky drinking too much and making out with a girl. Irin and ice were talking to each other and others were also there.

Me and song went near them. My mood immediately changed after I saw Becky sucking someone else. But I don't have the right to feel jealous cause I was one who said it was ok if she finds someone else and I was the one who broke her heart.

Song went near Ice and gave her a peck. Becky stopped whatever she was doing there and came beside ice. Ice looked at me in shock I gave her a smile and she smiled back.

"This is Freen, our new friend and Noey' s cousin" Irin said

"New friend huh??" Ice said and smirked at me. God i don't want to get exposed now. Now that I'm getting closer to Irin I don't want her to hate me. Even though she's a bitch she's a good person too

"Freen, how are you it's been a long time " ice said


Becky's pov

I was feeling jealous..... No no not jealous... Uhhhh i don't knew but seeing her with someone else makes me feel weird things.

I was drunk and a girl started to get my attention by touching me. I was drunk and she kissed me and i kissed her back. I was making out with her for sometime. I stopped when I saw Freen. I don't know why.

I went near ice and saw the girl flirting with Freen beside ice.

Me and Irin haven't seen ice after we graduated. We had some talks. Then freen came beside us with a drink and Irin introduced Freen as a new friend. I can see the smirk on ice's face. I know she recognised Freen. I hope she won't expose her as my ex.

"Freen, how are you it's been a long time " ice said. Fuck what is she trying to do. i saw Freen gulping.

"hey ice, it's indeed a long time" Freen said neverously

"Ice, stop making my Freen nervous" the girl beside ice said and made her way to Freen and hugged her hand. Wtf 'my Freen' no she's my- ..... Forget it

"Babe I'm not doing anything" ice said and pouted. Freen laughed a bit.

"Babe" i asked

"Yes, she's Song my girlfriend, did you forget about that too" Ice asked. I've been jealous over ice's girlfriend. They have been in a relationship for fucking 5 years and also they were in a long distance relationship. Fuck ...I was relieved to know that they were just friends. Stupid Beck

"Song, it's nice to finally meet you" Irin said as she gave her a hug. " Do you and Freen know each other" Irin asked.

"Yes, Freen and i were close and classmates" Song said "She was bitch at the start, but after knowing her I wanted to be her friend" song added.

"Yeah, she literally annoyed my ass daily in the morning " Freen said and song chuckled

"Bitch, that's how we got close" song said and winked at Freen. And Freen rolled her eyes.

"let's party hard today. We don't have classes tomorrow " Kate said in the middle of our talk. And I looked at Freen and she ignored me. What now.

I saw her walking towards the dance floor she was swaying her hips. Making it more sensual. God she's making it hard for me.

Literally everyone in the dance floor were eye fucking her.


Damn you sarocha

ps: I still love you ♡Where stories live. Discover now