Part 10

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Noa's PoV

I'm slowly waking up... feeling comfort and warmth I haven't felt in a long time. Hayden and I used to sneak into each others rooms at night in was the only time I had a proper sleep. Like last night. I wake up smiling at the fact im in Hayden's bed right now. When I open my eyes I see iv shifted in my sleep. I'm now facing Imogen's bed and notice Imogen and mouse still asleep. Hayden's arm is wrapped round my waist, she's still sound asleep as she spoons me. When I go to turn round to face her I notice something pressing against my bum. My eyes widen at not only Hayden's hard on pressed against me but also how big she is. Hayden's changed ALOT since juvie and I certainly don't remember her being that big. I try to grab my phone... honestly anything to distract me from Hayden right now. This is something I haven't experienced before, the first time ... both of our first time was just awkward. Neither of us knew what we were doing and honestly it was sore and just yeh ...awkward. That awkward I didn't even say bye to her the next day, bitch move I know. I wasn't fussed on sex after that. Shawn pestered me about it for months and yeh I eventually gave in. Although we all know how badly that turned out. Sex with Shawn was even more awkward than it was with Hayden... it didn't last longer than twenty seconds and I definitely wasn't satisfied.  So yeh iv never felt the urge for sex... until now. My movement to grab my phone clearly stirs a wakening Hayden whose hand slips down and grips my hip. I take a sharp inhale and feel myself rubbing against her, all rational thinking has clearly gone out the window. My core throbs when Hayden moans quietly in my ear "Noa". She then starts kissing down my exposed neck as we still rub against each other. My breathing becoming deeper and deeper when the door swings open. Tabby and Faran running in and throwing themselves on to Imogen's bed ... careful enough to not flatten a pregnant Imogen. "Morning guys. Awww look at you two, How's hayden still asleep?" Faran teased while she sat upright on Imogen's bed. My face is beetroot from how oblivious they all are to what was happening as they came in, believe me Hayden's not asleep. I don't reply to Faran and instead hide my face into the pillow. Hayden rubbing circles on my hip and the fact she's clearly still excited is not helping my face return to its natural colour. Tabby then decides to add onto my torture "so... anything happen last night?" She smiles suggestively at me. I don't even lift my head, I just shake a no into the pillow with Imogen defending me "like they would do anything with me in the room. Right we better get ready for school. Bagsy first shower" Imogen responds as she jumps up and heads towards the shower. Tabby and Faran head back to her room to get showered and mouse lays in Imogen's bed, quietly texting someone... I'm hoping it's Ash. I must have been so tense when they were in because my body physically relaxed when they all left. I turned to lie on my back and looked at Hayden who was still pretending to sleep. She must have felt my eyes on her, she smiled with her eyes still shut as she nuzzled in closer to me, basically laying the majority of her body on top of me. "Good morning beautiful" she whispers in my ear as I naturally wrap my arms around her and run my fingers through her hair. "Good morning handsome" I whisper back. Imogen then returns from the bathroom "which one of yous are going next? Hayden doesn't take long so she can go last. Morning Hayden by the way" Imogen teases. Hayden mumbles a morning into my neck as I look to mouse "you can go next, I need to go home and get my stuff for school so I'll shower there". Hayden's boner still very much present she whispers in my ear so nobody hears "or you could join me in the shower?". A smile instantly stretches across my face and before I can reply... Imogen buts in "I heard that Hayden" causing the three of us to laugh.

Once I eventually dragged myself out of Hayden's bed, I rushed home and got ready for school. The five of us were all called for a disciplinary committee meeting with our parents today to see what happens with us after what happened with Karen. We are waiting in an empty class room as Farans mom goes all lawyer on our asses "don't say a thing in that room". The principal soon comes in and informs us that the meeting has been postponed. We all look at each other confused when mouse asks "why what happened?". Principal Clinton takes a breath and replies "Kelly Beasley came to see me this morning. She admitted that Karen was in the rafters with the specific intention of harming Imogen at the spirit week dance. She even provided some evidence." We all look at each other shocked at this new information. "The bucket?" Imogen asks as she leans forward on the desk. "I can't say anymore. But it seems that what we have here is a tragic but accidental death" Before principal Clinton can finish, mrs hayworth asks what it means for us. "Given these new circumstances, I don't believe the committee is seeking expulsion anymore. They are however debating between detention or suspension. But I'll let you know once that's been decided" he finishes up as he turns round and leaves the room. We all have a celebration and head to class.
Hayden's PoV

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