Part 8

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Hayden's PoV

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Imogen asks me as I come into the kitchen for breakfast. "Does there have to be a reason for my good mood dear sister?" I smile at her whilst pouring my captain crunch into a bowl. "I'm just curious, I haven't seen you this happy in a while" she says as she sits at the kitchen table. "Morning you two, Hayden honey that's a serving bowl your eating out of..." I look down at my bowl full of cereal "this saves me time Mrs Hayworth. I can eat all the cereal I want without having to fill up my bowl and my milk" I smile at her before shovelling a spoonful in my mouth. This causes Mrs Hayworth to laugh before she turns her attention to Imogen "Imogen are you ok with the funeral today? Are you sure you want to go?" She leans against the counter, sipping on her coffee. "Yes it'll be ok. Kelly asked me to go, so I feel like I need to. Karen was once my friend and I did care about her" Imogen sincerely says, causing Mrs Hayworth to nod. As I'm sitting eating my cereal my mind drifts to Noa. Beautiful Noa. Kissing Brooke was nice, like really nice but kissing Noa ... is mind blowing ... stomach churning ... "Hayden what are you thinking about? Why are you smiling at your cereal" Imogen breaks me out of my thoughts on Noa. Embarrassed that I got caught I try to play down the incident "I just .... I just love captain crunch Imogen. That's all. Nothing else ok. Me and my captain crunch are very happy together... but on that note school time" I jump up realising it's time for school ... time to see Noa. "Why are you in such a rush to go to school? Normally I have to bribe you to go to school. You hate school" tabby asks as she enters the kitchen to grab an apple. Before replying to her I grab my sneakers and ram my feet into them "tabby I have lots to learn. What do you mean I hate school? I love school so come on, get a move on" I quickly grab both of our school bags and usher tabby out the door seeing as Imogen's going to the funeral ... not without a "see you later Mrs Hayworth, bye Imogen love you".

I get to school and head towards my locker. I stick some stuff that I don't need into it and take out the books that I need for shop class. It's now lunch time and I haven't seen Noa yet which isn't unusual because we only have like one class together but I thought I would have seen her in the canteen. I sit down beside tabby and mouse who look a little lost without the other three. "Miss me tabby?" I joke to her "oh yes Hayden the last two hours without you have been hell" she jokes back at me. I sit directly beside mouse and nudge her "morning Minnie Mouse. You look pretty today" I smile at her. "Thank you Hayden" she replies as she can't hide her smile. I like making mouse feel special, she's a special girl, they all are but somehow I feel like quite protective of mouse. Sitting with the girls makes me miss Noa so I decide to message her.

Hayden ❤️‍🔥🛹 - hey, thought I'd see you at school today? You hiding on me? Xx

Noa 🌹 - hi handsome, sorry I meant to message you. My mom kept me home today with it being Karen's funeral. Missing me already? 😉 xx

Hayden ❤️‍🔥🛹 - you have no idea. Todays the first day iv ever been excited about coming to school. Now iv got to get through the rest of the day xx

Noa 🌹 - you could maybe come over later? I'm meeting up with the girls but you could come after? Xx

Hayden ❤️‍🔥🛹 - it's a date beautiful xx

Noa 🌹 - looking forward to it 🫠 xx

"Your so smiley today Hayden" tabby says whilst playing with her food. "I'm just happy. Happy to be sitting with you two. Also really happy that they have tater tots on today!" I pop a tater tot into my mouth and moan which causes the two girls to laugh. The next couple of minutes are spent with the three of us having a nice conversation, tabby telling me all about her love of movies and mouse telling me about her love of computers. "So can we play Fortnite together?" I ask her and before she can reply her attention moves to someone whose coming up behind me. When I turn round a fist collides with my face. I fall out of my seat and fall straight to the floor. Shawn climbs on top of me and tries to hit me again. I try my best to protect my face with my arms waiting for the moment his relentless blows take a break. All I can hear is tabby and mouse screaming at Shawn to stop, whilst the rest of the canteen chants "fight". He grabs one of my arms down and punches me straight in the face. Then there's the moment... the break where I flip him off me so he lands on his back on the floor. I manage to get myself standing as I look at Shawn whose quickly picking himself off the floor. Everything in me right now is screaming to beat the shit out of Shawn... but I need to be there for Imogen... I need to be a good role model for Imogen's baby... I need to be the better person for Noa. He lunges at me again but this time I manage to dodge his punch and pull his arm round his back. Wrapping my other arm around his neck I manage to immobilise him till a teacher comes. Which thankfully doesn't take long "split it up now!" Mr Baker yelled into the canteen. Shawn and I break apart "what the hells going on?" He asks as he looks between us. "You two...The principals office. Everyone else... lunch is over! Get to class" he yells as he points at the two of us. I manage a quick glance at tabby and mouse, both of them looking horrified and at that moment I feel the sting above my eye and the warm liquid rolling down my face. The dick managed to bust my eye brow ... wonderful.

A liars truthOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora