Part 9

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Noa's PoV

I can't believe they caught us kissing. It made me feel all giddy, like for the first time ever I finally had everything I wanted and for the first time ever I showed the world what was mine. Not that Hayden is mine, although I want her to be. After the embarrassment we both get up off her bed and follow the other girls down stairs where the pizza is. I walked down the stairs in front of Hayden, who refused to go before me. When we got to the kitchen Mrs Hayworth had all the pizzas laid out on the table "there's plenty to go around so grab a slice everyone". She picks up her pieces of pizza, puts them on a plate and leaves the kitchen to go sit in the living room "enjoy everyone". There's six seats at the table, so Mrs Hayworth going to the living room to watch tv meant we all had a seat. Although sitting on Hayden's knee is very appealing right now. Hayden sits down with Imogen to her left. Working clockwise next to Imogen is Faran, next to Faran is mouse. Then there's two empty seats between mouse and hayden. Tabby grabs her pizza and sits right next to hayden. I stand next to the table a bit baffled and put out because I really wanted to sit next to hayden. My face clearly gave my disappointment away when the girls minus hayden, start laughing at me. Hayden with her cute little face looks up at everyone with a mouth full of pizza not entirely understanding why everyone's laughing. "I'm joking. You sit next to hayden" tabby looks at me full of mischief as she moves to the seat beside mouse. I jokingly smile at them and flip them the finger as I sit down between tabby and Hayden. When I sit down Hayden turns to me and smiles. My heart clenches at how cute she is, smiling at me whilst her lips are covered in pizza grease. She winks at me before turning her attention back to her slice of pepperoni. I feel captivated watching how her jaw clenches and unclenches with each bite that she takes. Completely drawn into every move she makes until tabby nudges me out of my spell "so you two, what are yous going to do about Brooke and Shawn?". I look to Hayden who seems unbothered as I start to internally panic, I was so caught up in the bliss of Hayden that I forgot about all our problems in the outside world. My knee starts to involuntarily bounce up and down, my right hand grabs ahold of the water glass in front of me so I can take a gulp as my left hand drops under the table to grip the chair. "Em ... well ... you see... Shawn and I ..." I was in such a panic, mumbling ... that was until a hand came under the table and intertwined with mine. Her thumb rubbing over the back of my hand soothingly, bringing me back down to earth "Shawn and I are broken up. So it shouldn't matter to him. It's none of his business" I calmly reply now I have Hayden's hand in mine. She nods agreeing with me "Brooke cheated on me, so she really has no leg to stand on. Plus we are broken up. Also she's not Noa olivar and I'm single" Hayden then picks up her pizza again with her left hand and returns to eating. The other girls all nod and smile at us as I turn round like a flash to Hayden "oh so your single are you?" I tease her. She looks at me like she's said something she shouldn't have as the other girls begin to laugh. She starts to stutter "em ... no... well... we aren't properly together... but I don't want anyone else Noa ... it's just you and ..." I lean forward and cut off her cute rambling with a soft kiss to her lips "I'm kidding". I pull back slightly smiling at the cutie that's in front of me when Imogen ruins the moment "euch I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing you two kiss" this causes us all to laugh before we continue eating our pizza and enjoying each others company.

Imogen's pov

It's nice seeing how happy my twin is. All iv ever wanted is to see Hayden genuinely happy. And the cause of her happiness is Noa olivar, my friend. I always suspected that something had happened between them but honestly I never expected Noa to embrace what makes her happy too. I'm happy that it's Noa that Hayden likes. Their chemistry makes me jealous, one day I want to find someone I vibe with just like the way they do. We are all still sitting in the kitchen, finishing the last of the pizza when Mrs Hayworth comes in "right you lot, I'm going to bed. You all are free to stay over as long as you tell your parents. Good night guys". Mrs Hayworth heads out of the kitchen and up the stairs after a chorus of good night. "So who wants to stay over and watch some movies?" Tabby asks looking at the other three. Mouse is the first to reply "yeh I just need to phone my moms real quick but I'm sure they will be ok with it". Faran is the next to speak "yeh me too, I just need to phone my mom... where will we all sleep though?". Before replying to Faran, tabby turns her attention to Noa "well that depends on what Noa says... so Noa... up for a sleepover?" Tabby raises her eyebrows knowing fine well. Noa blushes and looks quickly at a smiling Hayden "yeh my moms working night shift tonight anyway so I can stay". Noa turns to Hayden and smiles as Hayden's smile grows. Tabby claps her hands as her plan falls into place "perfect, so there's three of us and three of you so one of you bunk in with one of us?" I let out a laugh knowing fine well what tabby's up to as mouse and Faran also click on. Noa's blush turns even more red as she avoids all our teasing looks. "Who will bunk with you tabby? Noa who do you want to sleep with?" Faran chimes in also in a teasing tone as she winks at tabby and leans back crossing her arms. "You know what fuck you all. I know what your up to and I'm not biting anymore" Noa sasses as she leans into Hayden. They think they are being sly but I can tell they are holding hands under the table. "Hayden who do you want to sleep with?" Faran then turns her attention to Hayden. "Noa. But if Noa doesn't want to sleep with me then mouse" Hayden says so matter of a fact making all of us laugh. Noa turns her attention to Hayden and smiles lovingly at her "your the big spoon" she pecks Hayden on the cheek, making Hayden blush. We all smile at Hayden blushing and how cute they are when Noa turns round point at us all "so you four can fight it out. I know where I'm sleeping" she turns back to Hayden and they just smile at each other. My face drops when a thought dawns on me, I point to the two of them "if I hear any noises your both dead" everyone bursts out laughing at my terror.

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