Part 4

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Hayden's PoV

Chaos ... that's all I can describe for the madness that surronds me. Karen Beasley lies on the stage, surrounded in her own blood as her twin sister screams in emotional pain above her. "Hayden my moms come to pick me up. Are you ok getting home?" Brooke breaks me out of my stare on Karen. "Yeh, I'll be fine, I'll message you when I'm home. Please just go straight to your mom. I'm going to find Imogen and take her home too" I cup her face and bring her forehead to my lips. "Please be careful" she brings my lips down to hers and places a small kiss to my lips. "I will. Message me as soon as your home" she gives me another kiss and walks away, holding onto my hand till the last minute. When it happened, everyone started running either to Karen or out the door. So in that time I lost sight of my sister. I quickly scan the room and unfortunately don't lay eyes on her or her friends. I release a huge sigh, rub my hand down my face and make my way for the hallway. Stepping into the hallway all you can see is groups of friends all huddled together waiting on being collected, when I hear tabby's voice from round the corner "It was like in the movies,the sounds, her bones..." Farah then interrupts Tabby "Imogen, what the hell happened, what did you see?". I feel bad listening in on them but everyone knows that those five have secrets and I want to help my sister as much as I can, even if she won't let me. I can hear the panic in Imogen's voice as she starts "I dunno, uhm, I saw Karen up in the rafters, she had a bucket..." "like I'm Carrie?" "Yes tabby, but there was someone else, up there... with her...a man in a mask, he pushed her..." Noa then interrupts her "iv seen that dude" worry sets in that not only Imogen's in trouble but Noa is too. They all start agreeing about how they all have seen this man with a creepy mask "she didn't fall, she was murdered" Imogen whispers to them. They all fall silent and at that I walk around the corner pretending like I haven't been listening in "Imogen, there you are iv been looking everywhere for you" I panic walking towards her. I engulf my sister as she reciprocates the hug and look round the other girls, who are all sharing looks with each other. "Are you all ok?" I ask focussing on the small brunette. "Yeh, let's just get out of here" Tabby replies as the other three quietly nod. "How are you all getting home?" I ask them. Mouse looks up at me "Ash is waiting outside with Henry for Farah and I" Farah nodding agreeing with mouse. I nod and look to Noa "em ... I'm just going to walk home. I'm not sure where Shawn has gone" she says avoiding looking at me. "Ok here's the plan, Tabby take Imogen home..." I release Imogen from my hold and move her (gently) towards Tabby, I then look towards mouse and Farah and point " two are sorted for getting home..." they nod and then I land on Noa who finally looks at me "...and you..." I point to her "...I'll walk you home" it was quick but I caught Noa's small smile. "Hayden I don't want you getting hurt coming home on your own..." Imogen starts before I cut her off "Imogen I'll message you as soon as we get to Noa's ok? I'll be fine. Now come on high schools creep me out at night" I smile at my sister trying to lighten the damp mood. The other girls chuckle, this doesn't shift Imogen's unimpressed look.

After much and I mean much convincing for everyone to go home, Noa and I are finally on our way back to her house. "Soooo... did you have a good time tonight?" I smile at Noa as we walk quietly next to each other. She laughs that laugh that turns me into putty in her hand "apart from what happened to Karen... absolutely" she smiles up at me. I look over at Noa who is wearing the most beautiful red dress, she honestly looks perfect "I know, I never thought I would feel sorry for either of the Beasley twins. But they both have all my sympathy tonight" I look up at the stars. I feel a small nudge from beside me "thank you for walking me home Hayden, it's appreciated. Your always looking out for me, my house is just in this building" she opens the door to the main building and we step inside. "I'll never not look out for you Noa. You were once my favourite person on the planet" we make our way up the stairs inside to Noa's apartment. "That all sounds although very cute, very past tense" she smiles at me and stops outside a door. "You still mean a lot to me, but it feels disrespectful to Shawn and Brooke if I said you were still my favourite person on the planet" I softly say as my eyes bore into Noa's chocolate brown orbs. "Is this your way of saying that I am, without you saying that I am?" She smiles at me as she bites her lip, my eyes instantly going to her mouth and staying there. "You look really beautiful tonight Noa" I whisper feeling all the air leave my lungs because of how close Noa is to me right now. Wait is she closer than she was when we stopped? "You look really handsome tonight Hayden" she whispers right against my mouth. At this moment I realise just how close Noa and I actually are. I can see the small golden crystals in her chocolate orbs. The faint freckles that scatter around her cute nose. Her lips... those beautiful plump kissable lips that are inching closer to me every second .... "Noa thank god your home. Come in here, you and your friend come in here. I need to go to the hospital something happened tonight ..." Noa's mother opened the door causing the both of us to push away from each other. Was I really going to kiss Noa right now when I have Brooke, was Noa going to kiss me even though she loves Shawn, no she must have just been overwhelmed by tonight that's it. Noa looked away so quickly and looked straight at her mom, a slight blush covering her cheeks. We both make our way into Noa's home. I follow Noa and sit a her kitchen table with her mom getting ready for work and chatting to us both in the back ground "so a kid got hurt? How many?..." she asks Noa who is fiddling with her fingers and staring at the table. "Oh I'm Marjorie, Noa's mom, and you are?" She turns to me. Noa finally looks up from the table and looks into my eyes "I'm Hayden Adams, Imogen is my ..." "your Davies daughter? Oh wow, I haven't seen you since you were little... your ... your very different to Imogen" "mom!" "Oh Noa, calm down, I don't mean anything by it. Iv known Hayden here a lot longer than you have. You are always welcome here Hayden... Noa where's Shawn? Did he not walk you home?" Marjorie asks Noa, shifting the conversation away from me. "I couldn't find him mom" Noa sighs now looking guilty as she starts biting her nails. "I don't want to leave you here all night on your own Noa... Hayden will you stay?" She asks looking back at me. At this moment the three people in this room all have different looks spread across their  faces ... Noa looks like she's just been caught egging the next door neighbours house, Marjorie looks hopeful that I'll stay with her daughter and I ... well I just look confused. I give a quick glance to Noa who isn't helping me with my answer to her mother before looking back to Marjorie "yeh, that's ok. Where will I sleep?" I ask Noa's mom feeling quite defeated. "Well, you can stay with Noa, but if that makes you uncomfortable then I can get you some blankets for the..." "mom, I'll sort it out ok, now go you were meant to leave five minutes ago" Noa says as she stands up from the table and hugs her mom. "Ok honey, have a nice night you two" Marjorie finishes her hug with Noa and then pats me on the shoulder. "Thank you Hayden" "no worries Mrs Olivar" "it is Marjorie to you. It's nice to see you again Hayden and I hope it isn't the last" then she finally leaves, leaving Noa and I in this awkward silence.

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