6. A first assignment

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- Aisha chan, you ready to go yet?

- Coming Chiyo chan!!

Three days went by in a flash, and today, my first semester as a freshman here starts. 

During the three days we all agreed to just call each other by first name since we're going to be living together anyway. Saiko san was a little reluctant at first, she seems to value respect and politedness a whole bunch but she eventually gave in after Yumi chan's constant pestering.

Being roomates with Chiyo chan ended up making things way easier. Since we're both freshmen in the same major, we can really rely on each other. On top of that, we'll have two heads instead of one when trying to figure out the procedures and other complicated school stuff in our common classes. We could probably even help each other out with assignments.

- Looks like our department's building is pretty close from the house, huh?

- Yeah, what a relief. 

 I answered.

- It would've really sucked if it was  far away. Imagine walking there on a cold winter day, perfect for pictures but terrible for the one taking them. brrr

Everybody's now settled down and a handsome man wearing glasses and a beige suit walks in, the lecture hall goes silent. All the girls start whispering and chit chatting about his appearance. He looks to be around his mid to late twenties, which is rather young for a university professor. On top of that he's a total catch, he's got a chiseled jaw, piercing amber eyes and the smile of an angel. I turn over to chiyo who's totally in awe

- Psst~ Chiyo chan... Chiyooo.

 -Hey Aisha, I want to take a picture of this man.

She answers without looking away from him even for a second, completely captivated.

The hot professor then finally begins his lesson.

- Good morning everyone, welcome to this semester's first of many exhausting 8 am lectures. There's no need to worry though, I'll do everything in my capabilities to make these enjoyable for you all! My name is Watanabe Atsushi and I'll be your As you all know, courses here at Tokyo university are intense, I need you all to be prepared for a packed curriculum made to polish your photography skills to their greatest potentials.


The rest of class passed by pretty quickly, we were all drawn by the professor's calm and friendly energy that it didn't even seem like a whole two hours went by. 

- Alright, to conclude this first lecture I'd like to assign your first individual assignment, it's quite simple: Take a picture of someone, something or perhaps a scenery that inspires you. Now it's important to note that this should not be a portrait, the subject of your photo musn't pay any attention to the camera and be in a more natural state or in the middle of an action. A little tip is that you'd be better off not telling them you're taking a picture at all. Alright now see you all next time.


- I can't believe we already have an assignment. How the hell am I supposed to find someone that inspires me?

I say as I walk back home alongside Chiyo chan.

- I think this assignment is quite nice acctually. We can almost do whatever as long as it's not a portrait. The sky's the limit really!

- Do you already have the subject of your inspiration?

- Yeah! Brielle.

- Huh? I would've never guessed

- I know most times it looks like I don't appreciate her much but the reality is I look up to her the most. Despite not having her parents to support her  she still continues to do what she loves. I could never do that. I have quite the personality but believe it or not even I seek validation in my parents and the people around me so Brielle really amazes me. Every time I see her I have an intense desire to photograph her, the same thing happened with professor Watanabe acctually.  

I could tell Chiyo chan and Brielle are close but to think they have such a bond.

- But I wonder what we'll do to get a picture that isn't a portrait.

- Don't worry we'll figure something out Aisha chan, I know it


Chiyo and I got back home at around quarter to noon. We both didn't have any lectures or plans left for the day so we lazed around waiting for everyone to come until just now when Yumi, Narukami and Mei all came in together saying they all ran into each other at the bus stop. 

Since everyone's here exept for Brielle, we all gather in the kitchen to pick tonight's dinner. 

- I suggest we make Risotto ai frutti di mare with this 1989 wine my employer got me as a present.

Saiko san says while pulling out a fancy bottle of wine out of a gift bag.

- Fruitti what now?? Do we even have the ingredients for that saiko? I swear you come up with the most crazy rich people stuff. Hmph!

Yumi says, surprisingly. Perplexed, I turn to Saiko san and whisper.

- What happened to the Narukami Saiko worshipping regular Yumi?

- I don't know I just couldn't go watch her dance rehearsal and she's been like this ever since.

I knew Yumi had a childish side but who knew she would get sensitive over that kind of thing. Or maybe I'm the one being insensitive here. Nevertheless it's still cute coming from Yumi.

Just as I'm about to suggest another idea Brielle busts through the front door with 2 boxes. "Guess who got take out!" she yells out.

Here comes my savior!

"Ah Brielle! Thank god you're here with food!" I say. I lower my voice and whisper. " If you hadn't come just now, Yumi and Saiko san would probably have had a whole fight over food" She looks at me with a confused expression and whispers back. "Huh? Why would they fight doesn't Yumi adore Saiko?" I sigh "Long story" She chuckles and gives me that "welp... whatever!" expression and places the pizzas on the dining table.

- OK guys I've got an announcement! My band and I are having a concert for the first time in 4 months this saturday at 7 and you guys are all invited! So who's coming?

Brielle asks with the face of an anticipating puppy .

- Well I can't, I 've got this huge first assignment where I've got to paint a wall size painting so I'm going to be working on that all weekend.

Mei says first.

- Me neither I've got an important modeling gig that day. I'm sorry Brielle.

Saiko san seconds.

- I'm not in the mood, sorry Brielle

Yumi says as well

- Huh!? Then who's coming? This is a really big deal for me guys, pleaaaaseee.

Going would be a bother, especially since I haven't even come up with an idea for my assignment yet but Brielle's pleading has me conflicted. At that moment, Chiyo chan turns to me and whispers "This is a perfect opportunity Aisha chan! It may not be the most ideal for taking photos but who knows, you might find the perfect subject there."

I think about it for a second but ultimately Chiyo chan's words have me convinced and we both agree to go to her concert, leaving Brielle rejoiced. And just like that a long and tiring first day of classes has ended.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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