Aegnor (2)

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Two days had passed, Izia was still unconscious. On the third day, she opened her eyes and saw her brother sitting next to her.

- Brother!
- Izia! You're finally awake! It's been two days!

Elrond entered the room and saw the two young people talking.

- So, Izia? Feeling stronger?

- Yes, I feel much better.

- Your father is here, he's waiting for you.

Izia got out of bed, prepared herself, and headed to the throne room.

- Oh! Here's Izia, let's ask for her opinion, said King Thranduil.

- About what?

- My daughter! You need to come back to live with us! This is not your place! You are the princess of Amorion!

- Father! I don't want to be the princess anymore! I want to live, I don't want to go back to my room that served as my cage!

- Oh, my daughter, don't say that! Please, don't disobey me!

- Before, I never disobeyed you, father, but this time, excuse me, I want to stay here.

- I have no problem with that, Izia can stay here as long as she wants, said King Thranduil.

Suddenly, an arrow coming from nowhere aimed at Thranduil. Aegnor threw himself in front of the king and took the arrow in his belly instead.

The window was open, Elrond went towards it and saw a man entirely dressed in black running in the forest.

- Guards! He's the one who shot the arrow! Catch him!

Feren and the other guards executed the order and chased the elf.

Aegnor was taken to his room, and Elrond took care of him.

- It's too dangerous to let my daughter live here!

- Father!

- You will come with me, and that's it!

I watch him leave the throne room. I sigh and feel a hand on my shoulder.

- Calm down, we'll find a solution, I won't let you leave Mirkwood if it's not your choice, said King Thranduil.

- Thank you, Lord, uh, Thranduil.

He smiled at me and left the hall with Elrond.

I head to my room, step out onto the balcony, and see guards returning.

- I see they couldn't catch him... I whisper to myself.

The whole day passes, and boredom consumes Izia. After eating, she collapses on her bed. It's 6 PM.

Deciding to take a walk outside, Izia dresses in a black dress and leaves her room. She takes care not to venture too deep into the forest.

- I can't believe how selfish father can be! I am also in danger in Amorion! I don't understand!

Izia hits a tree in anger.

- I don't want to go with him... I don't want to leave Mirkwood... If I escape, he won't find me, but am I capable of distancing myself from Thranduil? But what are you talking about, Izia?! Have you fallen in love with him?!

Izia keeps walking, venturing deeper into the forest, not realizing it. Then she turns to return but finds no path, only trees.

Izia looks left and right; there's no one there, the sun hasn't completely set, she can still see around her.

Izia spends two hours trying to find the way back but fails. She feels sad, lost, desperate. There's no light, the sun has set, only the moon illuminates the forest.

Izia arrives at an empty place, no trees, strange... Suddenly, she remembers seeing this place from her room balcony, always wondering why it was empty, a huge circular courtyard...

Izia sees her balcony from afar, found it! Now, she needs to return. Her room was at the back of the castle, so she was behind it, meaning the main door is on the other side...

- Oh well, too bad! The important thing is that I found it, and I'll make my way in.

Izia arrives, just needs to go around, she thinks tiredly.

- Never again will I go for a walk in this forest... alone.

She hears two men's voices coming from a little further, cautiously approaching. She sees Aegnor with a strange man dressed in black.

Izia sticks close to the back of a tree, very close, to better hear the conversation.

"You missed your target, idiot! You're supposed to kill her, not the king!"
"Arg... It burns!"


"Don't say a word! Luckily, they couldn't catch you, otherwise, it would have been the end!"

"Sorry, boss."

"You must apologize to Master Gurthang! I have to go now, or they'll notice my absence, and it'll be the end! I always pretend I'm unconscious, it's more effective for them to visit me rarely to check my condition and change the bandages. You, hide, and don't show yourself, idiot."

After these words, they separate.

Izia comes out of her hiding place.

- To kill her...? Aegnor wants me dead!

Izia paces for a moment.

- I need to find a solution...

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