the investigation

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I was lying on the bed, still in shock.

- This tattoo is a sign that you're a dragon woman.

- Now that I'm sure I am one, it'll be easier for me to find answers...

- Exactly.

The elf had left the room, as had King Thranduil.
The king seems to be sad,
Izia doesn't know why.

- umm..king Elrond?

- Oh, Elrond, please.

I smiled at his request.

- I wonder why King Thranduil was sad...

- His son, Legolas, had left without telling him for an investigation... the aim is to destroy Sauron.

- That may be a stupid question, but... who's Sauron?

- Sauron is the lord of darkness...

-The story begins when, on Middle Earth, the magician Gandalf discovers that the ring owned by the young Hobbit Frodon, which was left to him by his uncle Bilbon and which allows him to become invisible, is actually the only Ring sought avidly by the dark lord Sauron because it would allow him to regain all his power. In order to prevent Sauron from recovering the ring, Frodo and his eight companions, the Ring Community, embark on a dangerous journey to destroy it.

- Ah, wow.

- Legolas left the day after your accident.

- So it's been 10 days...

- We hope to have peace soon.

Someone's knocking on the door.
An elf comes in.

- Mr. Elrond, Princess Izia, the King Thranduil is waiting for you.


We're in the throne room and I see King Thranduil talking to two elves.

- Princess Izia I present to you Mrs. Galadriel and Mr. Celeborn.

- Enchanted.

I approach and I bow.

A piece of tattoo appears on my hand.

- Oh, you got a beautiful tattoo, a flame?

- Yeah, it's a long story.

We sat around the table, the two rulers were looking at me.

I start telling them and at the end they show a shocked look.

- Very interesting... a dragon woman, I've never heard of  dragons or being able to be linked to them !

- Same. "Madame Galadriel."

After eating, I head to the garden to practice.
Izia pulls out a double-edged sword.
After half an hour her sword collided with another one, it was King Thranduil.

- Oh!

- I told you I was gonna challenge you one day!

I showed a smile and then the fight started.

By miracle I avoided all the strikes the king gave me to make me weaker.
The king was quite angry at his son's disrespect, but that was not a reason to be so aggressive! It was just a challenge, not a fight between two enemies who want to kill eachother!

- King... thranduil... Says Izia with difficulty repeating after every breath she takes.

But he did not answer; he continued the fight without noticing how abrupt he was with his movements.
All of a sudden the sword is on Izia's throat.
She looked at him with confusion, there were only a few centimeters between their faces.
The sword clings more and more to Izia's skin and a net of blood begins to form.
The girl's eyes began to change shape and color (picture at the beginning) which made Thranduil return to reality and move away from her.

- I-I'm sorry...

- I understand you. She says by making her eyes back as before.

- Impressive! Said Elrond, who had watched the whole fight.

He was approaching with the other two sovereigns.


Her eyes are of a disturbing beauty... I've never seen before. Her fragrance of flowers... her courage...
What's going on, Thranduil? You fell in love with her?
Are you still able to love...? Can you protect her and give her some affection? I need time to think.

- Thranduil! I'm talking to you! Are you thinking of anything?
Elrond says.

- N-no. What were you saying?

- You won the challenge, I think.

Thranduil is staring at me.

- I hurt your neck!

- It's nothing! It's not deep.

- But you're bleeding! Come with me!

Izia followed the king to the royal apartments.

- Mr. Thranduil, it's nothing, I assure you.

- Call me by my name and I'm determined to treat you.

Izia sits on the chair and lets Thranduil do it.

Their eyes crossed for a moment and they blushed.

- done.

- Thank you.

Elrond and the other Elves entered the room.

- We haven't been hunting together in a long time.

- Yeah, but there are tons of spiders!

- Don't worry, Feren and the other soldiers almost killed them all! We're not afraid of anything.

- All right, so tomorrow's a hunting day!  The first without my son...

- Oh, don't worry, he'll come back soon ! And Sauron will be defeated!

- I hope so.

- Izia? Would you like to come hunt with us tomorrow?

- With pleasure !

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