Hunting day

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Today was a hunting day. Izia put on appropriate attire. She desperately wanted to conceal her tattoo so that the other elves wouldn't ask questions or, worse, flee from her.

 She desperately wanted to conceal her tattoo so that the other elves wouldn't ask questions or, worse, flee from her

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She descended to the throne room where everyone was waiting. The group comprised of high elves and soldiers headed towards the forest, and the hunt began. Galadriel was not there; apparently, she wasn't interested in this kind of thing.

We stopped for a short break to rest and enjoy nature. Suddenly, crackling was heard, and then a tree fell.

"Who's there?!" shouted Feren. But no one replied. We looked at each other, and suddenly, an immense creature appeared in front of Izia, grabbing her by the waist and observing her.

"So, you're the last dragon woman," she said in a strange language.

"What do you want?"

"Release her, vile monster!" said King Thranduil, cutting the creature's foot.

The monster groaned in pain and released Izia, who fell and was caught by Thranduil. Their eyes met, but this moment was interrupted by another falling tree.

Thranduil attacked the monster again, ignoring Elrond's cries for him to step away. The mysterious creature struck Thranduil, throwing him several meters away. Izia approached the beast and thrust her sword into its other leg.

"Princess Izia! Flee!" cried Feren.

"No! I'm not going to leave and let you fight!"

Contrary to what you believe, I'm not the princess who hides behind her dress! I love to fight, especially if it's to protect someone!"

As she said these words, Izia plunged her sword once again into the creature's leg. The beast fell and howled in pain. A luminous silhouette appeared before us; it was Galadriel.

"Go away and never return!" she ordered in a powerful voice.

The monster disappeared instantly.

"Is it Sauron who created this creature?" asked Izia.

"No... It's not him... I didn't sense his magic..."

"Then who is it?"

Suddenly, it was as if time had stopped, the forest came back to life again, and all negative feelings disappeared. A wave of fresh air passed by.

"W-what happened?"

"Sauron is defeated!" exclaimed Elrond with enthusiasm.

Everyone had a shocked expression; peace was finally here! Thranduil and Elrond hugged each other, happy.

"There are traces left by the monster," said Galadriel.

It remains to be unknown who summoned this monster because the aura it emitted was quite unique...

We decided to return to the castle. Izia had gone to her room.

"Your son will return soon, dear Thranduil," said Elrond to reassure his friend.

"I hope so, Elrond, I hope so..."

Someone knocked on the door.


"King Thranduil! An elf has arrived; he says he wants to work here as a bodyguard, and he seems very determined."

"Very well, let him come."

The elf entered, bowed to show respect, then approached the king.

"Oh! What a surprise! You're the elf who protected me from the orc!"

"Yes, your majesty! And I want to stay here to protect you!"

"Very well, Feren will accompany and guide you; you may go."

The elf left the room followed by Feren.

"Hmm? Who is he?"

"His name is Aegnor; he protected me from an orc when I was in the forest... more than a week ago."

"Oh... An interesting name..."

"Do you think so?"

"Yes, it means 'cruel fire'."

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