The king Thranduil

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After a little while...

An elf enters my room and asks me to follow her.

We go through several corridors and then we arrive in front of Feren. The elf who guided me yesterday...

- Here you are Izia! The king is a little busy but you can come in and wait.

Izia enters the throne room and watches the king with his son, one of them holding an orc.

Izia enters the throne room and watches the king with his son, one of them holding an orc

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

A shiver ran through the young woman’s body.

Suddenly the king kills the orc.

"Father! He had something to tell us ! Why did you do that?"

"He has nothing more to say to us! This arrogant did not know who he was talking to!" He said as he turned around and looked at Izia.

Thranduil pov

I turn to my son to ask him to leave when suddenly a magnificent look attracts me... the young woman of this morning! What was she doing here? Her beauty is impressive I had never seen such! Just like her eyes ... really attractive...


Feren approaches and puts a knee down.

Yesterday we killed a lot of spiders in the forest... we ran into this young woman, she said she was kidnapped and brought here when she was unconscious.

The Thranduil king beckons Izia to approach.

- Tell me in more detail...

The last dragon woman | Original Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang