Chapter One

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Hi! Thank you so much for reading this! I think I'll update at least once a week. Anyways, hope you enjoy and let me know how you like it! :)


Sophie and Fitz were sitting together in Sophie's room, doing Cognate exercises. Sophie had told Fitz all of her secrets, except one. Tiergan and Alden thought they were ready to become Cognates, but they had to tell each other ALL of their secrets, including the fact that she loved him. 

"Ok, how about you blurt it out at 3?" Fitz suggested. Sophie nodded and she opened her mind to his, then Fitz started the countdown. Sophie braced herself for the embarrassment and teasing. "1...2...and...3!" Fitz said. Sophie quickly(and telepathically) blurted out, "I liked you from the moment I met you!" Fitz sat there silently shocked while Sophie's cheeks turned a deep red color and was embarrassed. 

"Sophie, I don't know how to say this, but I really like you too," Fitz said out loud moments later. "Oh, I'm so relieved. I thought you were going to say you didn't feel the same about me," Sophie confessed. Fitz smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. 

Awkward silence filled the room. Then, Fitz put a hand on her other shoulder and carefully leaned closer. His soft lips touched hers and they kissed. Sophie was shocked at first, then gave in. The door abruptly creaked open, makng them pull apart. Grady was standing in front of the doorframe, his arms crossed. 

Sophie and Fitz sat, startled and shocked, while Grady told Sophie Edaline needed her and told Fitz to walk with him. Fitz awkwardly followed Grady out of the house and next to the Panakes tree to have a talk. 

"Now, I know you and my daughter have some feelings for each other," Grady started. Fitz listened, dumbfounded. "I'd rather have you be with my daughter than That Boy," Grady said, scowling at the last part. Fitz just sat quietly. "But if anything happens to her, I will find you," Grady threatened. "Y-yes, sir," Fitz stuttered, now a little scared. "Good. I'm watching you. Also, please call me Grady," Grady replied and walked away. Fitz returned to the house to find Sophie. 

"What did my dad want with you?" Sophie asked Fitz as he walked into the house. "We just had a little talk," Fitz said, walking Sophie to her room. "Oh. I'm guessing he said something about what we were doing?" Fitz nodded. "So boy talk," Sophie muttered. Fitz stopped in front of her room and said, "Listen, I should really head back to Everglen now. See you at school?" "Yeah. See you then," Sophie replied. "Oh and Sophie? Are we now gonna start dating, or... It's okay if you don't want to," Fitz asked, pulling out his home crystal. "Yeah. I guess so," Sophie said, smiling. Fitz returned that smile and light leaped to Everglen. Sophie went to her room and basked the events that just happened. She had Fitz Vacker as her boyfriend!


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed and read more! :)

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