Well, except for a certain girl.

A girl he can't remember.

All he remembers was that, she would always braid his hair whenever he asked, she'll always listen to his bullshit, was always there by his side.

Why didn't he marry her instead?

Because she said she didn't feel the same.

Thinking about it thoroughly, those weren't her exact words in totality. All she did was excuse herself before immediately leaving, and he interpreted it as a rejection and then left.

He pushed down a groan, finally realizing that she might have felt the same, just shocked that he'd reciprocate.

'I've lost a gem in the sea…'


<10:02 am>

"Oh my! Ran-san, you've grown!" The woman that looked like Y/n cheered out, a hand placed on her mouth as she hid a smile when she saw the small child look up at her in wonder.

Ran was confused.

How does she know him like they've known each other for a long time when they've just met today? He glanced at Y/n, seeing her turn her head away from him before hastily walking inside the house.

"My that girl, can't she have the decency to invite you in? You two were so close back then…" Her mother huffed out, an irritated look on her face before reverting to a happy one. "Come on inside, Ran-san."

His eyes gazed down, a crunched and questioning look in them. They knew each other back then? That is impossible, this was their first time meeting.

"Sorry for intruding…" He muttered, walking inside the house when he saw, presumably, Y/n's father on the sofa reading the daily newspaper.

"Honey, look, it's Ran. You remember him right?" Her mother floated towards her husband, seeing the serious man look up to his wife before looking towards Ran, wrapping his arm around his wife's waist in the process.

"Is that that blonde delinquent our daughter was always with?" His gruff voice asked, fixing the glasses that he wore before huffing out of his nose.

"Who'd have thought he'd turn out like… this,"

"Don't mind him, why don't we chat?" She brushed him off.

"It's been so long since you last visited our house, I almost thought you forgot about Y/n!" She chirped out, ushering him to sit on one of the single couches, and placing Reina on his lap as he looked at Y/n's mother nervously.


Her mother continued to chat away, telling him stories and tales about Y/n and some about the both of them.

There were events that he didn't know and some that he knew all too well.

He couldn't wrap his head around it properly, everything was becoming a muddled mess as she continued to speak.

He couldn't take it anymore, "Mrs. L/n, I need to use the restroom. Can you tell me where it is?"

"Oh, sure. It's on the second floor, third door on the right. And please, no need to be too stiff." Ran nodded, placing down Reina who seemed to have dozed off.


Water splashed his face, his hands gripping the sink as he stared at his wet reflection.

"What in the world…"

"There you are!"

The door to the bathroom opened and the woman who was causing him these questionable feelings appeared. As he gazed into the mirror, he saw her drawing closer to him.

She was now within arm's reach, and not long after, she was suddenly pressed against the sink, between his arms as he moved his face closer to hers.

"Tell me, how does your mother know about things from my past? And why does it seem like she already knows me?" He asked, his hand slithering against her open skin, thumb caressing her thigh before lifting it and placing it against his hip.

Her face contorted into shock, a blush forming on her cheeks as Ran pressed himself against her. Her hands gripped his arms, trying to push him away.

She stayed silent, her eyes looking away from his features, her teeth biting her lips as she avoided his gaze. His eyes continued to examine her face, going over her flaws, her features, everything.

"…N/n…" He uttered, watching as she flinched when she heard the familiar nickname. Her eyes nervously looked up at his before seeing Ran inch closer and connect their lips.

"I thought you forgot about me…?" Tears started pooling out of her eyes.

'I thought so too…'

His One and Only Child || Ran Haitani Where stories live. Discover now